Chapter 1: Meeting the turtles

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"Ouch..." you groaned, you were lying on your back, trying to process what had just happened. Just a few moments ago you were at the park, walking your pet dog "Toto" (yes named after Dorothy's dog) in a small town in the state of Connecticut. The sun was going down, and you had just received a text from your mother asking when you'd be home. You were texting her back while your dog began to bark crazily at something in-front of you. "Shh!" You said, trying to hush your dog, but your dog didn't stop. "What the heck are you barking about you idiot." You said as you put away your phone.

As you looked up you nearly screamed, noticing what was now in front of you. A huge portal had opened and you were being sucked in. "What the heck is going on!!!" You shouted as you and your dog were pulled closer, and closer to the portal. You grabbed your dog and managed to grab onto a tree as the portal grew bigger, but your grip was slowly slipping and you couldn't hold on much longer. You let go of the tree, and into the portal went you and your dog. And that's the last thing you remember before passing out.

And now you were laying on the hard ground in, who knows where with a massive headache. "Ughh..." you groaned as you sat up rubbing your now sore head. "Toto! Come here boy!" You called for your dog. He instantly, at the sound of your voice came running to you, giving you a lick attack. "Aww! Toto!" You giggled as he gave your face a nice cleaning. "I wonder where we are Toto..." you said as you nervously looked around the dark damp alley you were laying in, the portal nowhere to be seen. 

You then felt a presence, somebody was near. Toto began to bark like crazy again. "Toto! What has gotten into you!" You said as you held him close. "Hello?" You called to whoever was there. Just as you were about to get up and walk around, a kraang bot came out of the shadows. "The kraang? They're... REAL?" You called out in confusion. "Kraang is ordering kraang to take you to kraangs headquarters." Said the bot, speaking in its usual robot tone. "I must be dreaming... this can't be real." You mumbled under your breath. 

But you were definitely not dreaming, because the kraang bot then ran towards you at full speed. "Ah!" You cried as you grabbed Toto and started running. You ran out of the alley and were met with the strong smells of New York City. You stopped in the middle of the road. "What the heck! I'm in.... I think I'm in the tmnt 2012 series... but how?" You said to yourself as you looked back to see the amount of kraang had multiplied and you were now being chased by atleast 30. "What the heck do they want with me?" You cried as you started running to who knows where, anywhere you could at this point.

You looked back, only for a second when the kraang began to shoot at you with their guns. "Ahh!" You cried out as you tried to dodge the gun shots. Where are the tmnt when you need them? You thought to yourself. Just after you thought about that you heard fighting behind you. "Hm?" You said as you turned around to see the 4 turtles beating the kraang droids. They weren't very good at team work though, they kept banging into each other. Ohh, I'm guessing this is episode 1 then. But that still didn't answer why the kraang were coming after you!

You didn't know whether to keep running or not so you just stood there and watched. The turtles not even noticing you. You were about to turn around and keep running when someone behind you yelled "WATCH OUT!" You turned around and saw one of the bots had a taser. They instantly, within seconds tased you before you could even run away, and within seconds you blacked out, and fell to the ground.


"Ugh.." You groaned as you barely opened you eyes. You were in a LOT of pain, your arms legs and all of my muscles in deep pain. As your eyes opened and you heard some familiar whispers, you freaked out, rising up off the examination table you were laying on. You had heart monitors on you, and a blood pressure cuff on your left arm where Donnie was, just trying to test your blood pressure. "Uhm.. it's ok.. I'm not gonna hurt you." He said trying to reassure you that everything was ok, thinking you were freaked out by him being a literal mutant turtle. But you weren't, you were honestly just freaked out that he was real and was actually speaking to you.

You must not have been able to take the shock because your heart rate went through the roof and you passed out once again, this time for only about 30 seconds maybe. You woke up, freaking out again. You stared at the very concerned Donnie as he took the blood pressure cuff of your arm. "Are you ok? Your heart rate is like 130 bpm!" Donnie asked making sure you were alright. "Yeah.. I think I feel better now." You said as you took some deep breaths, calming your heart rate back down to about 90, which was pretty normal.

"Soo... you're probably wondering why you're here.." Donnie said awkwardly. "Yes... kind of.heh." You responded, still a little shaken by the fact that THE Donnie homato was speaking to you right now. "Well, you might not remember but the kraang tased you, And you blacked out. I was worried about you so we took you back to our lair." He replied. "Oh ok." You said, staring at this beautiful brown eyes. You studied them carefully, so much so that you didn't even hear him when he spoke to you. "Uhm.. hello?" He asked. "Oh! Uhm.." you said taken aback as you just realized you had been staring at him for a full minute. You blushed, "sorry what did you say?" You asked him.

"I was just explaining about me and my brothers, we're mutant turtles who basically save the world from evil bad guys I suppose." He re- explained. "Oh yeah, I know." You said confidently, then realizing how creepy that sounds. "What?" He asked. "Sorry that's not what I meant.. I- I mean, I've seen mutants before so I kind of am getting used to it." You shrugged it off. "Oh yeah, I suppose there are a lot more around now... I will explain more of the story later, but for now I think you should relax.. you look like you're still in pain." He said, going to grab something from the cabinet in his lab. He brought back some advil and handed them to you along with a water. "These should help." He said.

You took some and decided to rest up some more, Donnie made sure you were comfy and let you rest in his bed. Donnie watched you fall asleep.

I have no idea who that girl is, but I have a certain feeling about her.. 

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