Chapter 3: Wanted by Kraang.

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It had been about a few weeks now since you had been living with the turtles. You met master splinter, went on a few different adventures and all seemed to be going good.. but-

You were starting to notice how some of the usual episodes from season 1 weren't taking place, and you were beginning to worry. First off April o neil had never showed up yet, because the episode where they were supposed to find April they found you, so you had just changed a huge chunk of the story and were now panicking as most of the last few episodes were either changed completely or not happening. You hoped a time paradox wouldn't happen... but who knows at this point.. If things kept on going this way you could end up even changing your universe back home...

"Hey (y/n) you seem to have been quite stressed lately, is everything alright?" Donnie asked you. You realized you had blanked out for quite a few moments, space hero's still playing in the background. "Oh, no I'm fine.." you simply said as you kept watching the tv. Donnie was sitting next to you and he must have knew something was up. "Yeah but, something just seems off... the whole world feels off today." Donnie said, deep in thought. "Yeah... I guess so." You said staring off into space again. You had been blanking out a lot lately due to... probably stress. Donnie seemed worried about you, but you had no idea why. He's just a friend! Right?

"So, (Y/n) you never told me fully what happened with your parents.." Donnie began. You didn't respond, you were too anxious to. "Ok somethings seriously wrong with you (y/n) why are you just staring like that!" Donnie asked again as he realized you weren't responding. "I don't know Donnie! I just don't know..." you said rubbing your head. What was with you? You didn't feel good, you didn't feel yourself. Something was definitely wrong with this universe. 


Kraangs Pov

"I TOLD YOU TO FIND THE GIRL DIDNT I???" Kraang prime shouted at one of the other kraang bots. He was angry, angry because he ordered the bots to fetch him that girl and he meant it! But apparently she got away.. and even after ordering those stupid bots 5 billion other times to try and track the turtles lair they STILL COULDNT FIND HER!!! "Kraang is sorry, Kraang will try again and-" "you won't be working for me anymore Kraang!" Kraang prime shouted. "KRAANG TAKE KRAANG AWAY!" Kraang prime ordered to another bot. The bot took the other one away, while Kraang sighed. "Now I'll never find that stupid girl!" He shouted. "Unless I do it... by myself!"


Back in the lair. 

Donnie was bored in his lab, typing away at his computer. It was about 3am and although Donnie was tired from last nights whole Xever fiasco he couldn't sleep. They were so stupid! They almost got murakami killed! And it was all their fault... Donnie got bored from just researching boring stuff so he decided to check the security cameras. To his surprise, unlike usual there was something... someone in the lair. "The kraang!" Donnie exclaimed as he noticed Kraang prime coming closer and closer to the lair along with other kraang bots. "But why are they here? In our lair... and how.. how did they find us?" Donnie questioned, but it was too late to question.. he had to wake up his brothers to help fight them off!

"Guys guys!" Donnie exclaimed running towards their bedrooms, he skipped your room, hoping you would continue sleeping because he'd rather you stay safe. He knocked on his brothers doors, panicking. "Bro what is your problem?" Raph asked as he opened the door. "The kraang.... They're.. here." Donnie said as a huge crash was heard from the kitchen followed by a scream. "(Y/n)! She's in the kitchen!" Donnie exclaimed running for you.


A few moments ago, your POV...

I was exhausted yet I couldn't fall asleep. I had just woken up from a nightmare about me being trapped here forever. Honestly at this point I wouldn't be surprised if I was trapped here forever. My stomach suddenly stopped my train of thought, telling me it was hungry. I sighed. "Looks like I need a snack.." I said quietly as I tiptoed to the door so as not to wake anyone up. I opened it a crack just enough to slip out without making a noise. As I walked by I noticed Donnie in his lab. I watched as he typed away at his computer. I smiled. 

I tiptoed away from his lab and into the kitchen. I turned the lights on and went to the fridge, upon opening it I looked around to see leftover pizza. "Oo don't mind if I do.." I said to myself as I got out the pizza. I decided to eat it cold since I honestly didn't care, plus the microwave was disgusting.. I'm guessing Mikey has made some interesting explosions in there before. So I skipped the microwave and just started to eat the last 2 leftover slices. It was a regular pepperoni and cheese pizza unlike Mikey's strange orders. Thank goodness it wasn't jelly bean and Doritos again..

As I began to eat I heard voices coming towards the lair... I recognized them as kraang prime and some of his bots. "Oh no.." I whispered as I was about to run away, but Kraang prime caught site of me and instantly ordered for one of the bots to fire at me. "AGH!" i shouted as I ducked behind the kitchen counter. "I know you're in there!" Kraang prime called out to me mockingly. "Stay away from her you alien brain!" I heard a familiar voice. The turtles! They were awake and armed and ready to fight. 

No ones Pov

"The turtles... fancy meeting you here." Kraang prime replied with an evil laugh. "Get them!" He ordered his bots to begin attacking the turtles while Kraang made his way towards you. You tried to run but he grabbed you from behind with his huge robot suit and held you to his face. "ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTROY MY UNIVERSE?" Kraang shouted at you. "I don't know what you're talking about!" You cried out in reply. "Well you'll have to do better!" He shouted as he launched you into the wall behind you, causing you to groan in pain.. your legs still sore from being tased last time. Surprisingly you got back up, but you didn't feel good. Pain surging through your body.

"(Y/n) watch out!" Donnie called to you, but it was too late. Kraang grabbed you and tossed you again, only this time much harder... and you passed out. Yes again. 

Man I really need to start ninja training if I'm going to be living here. - (y/n)

Tysm guys for reading! I hope everything so far is making sense, and I promise the story will start coming together soon! Anyways tysm and I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Bye!

Out of this world| Tmnt 2012 Donnie x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant