Chapter 2: Meeting the turtles Pt 2

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You woke up after quite a long sleep, you had been in the turtles lair since late last night, now it's about 9am, and they let you sleep in for a while to help you get better.  You blinked your eyes awake and looked around at your surroundings. "Oh right... I'm not at home." You said quietly with a small sigh. You then heard a knock on the door. "Hey, it's me... Donnie." He spoke softly before he entered. You sat up a bit in bed, still quite sore from last night. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Uh.. quite a bit better. Still sore." You responded, looking again at his beautiful eyes. You didn't notice, but you began to stare at him again, with a small smile.

"So, I never asked.. what's your name?" Donnie asked you, as he admired your pretty (h/c) (h/l) hair and pretty (e/c) eyes. "My names (y/n) but you can call me (nickname) "nice to actually meet you." You added after your last sentence. "So, you never really explained why those crazy robots were after you last night..." Donnie questioned, he was a little concerned and curious about you, something was different about you than most people around here that they've seen so far.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure actually..." you said, nervous as to if he would ask were you lived, because as you knew you didn't live in this universe, and you couldn't just lie to him, could you? But you couldn't exactly tell the truth, could you. Then they'd want to know about the future, and that could cause a time paradox. "Something on your mind?" He asked. You just realized you had been staring at the wall for about.. a minute. "Oh well.. you see.." you began, trying to formulate the lie in your head.

"I just got kicked out of my parents house." You lied, I mean technically you didn't have a home, but you just lied about a huge thing. "Oh." Donnie said, although he felt that something was off about what you had just said. "Yeah, my parents weren't great people." You lied again, hoping it would sound convincing. "And now I don't have a home." You added, which was finally not a lie. "Oh...well if you'd like you could stay here for a while till you figure things out." Donnie replied, not knowing what to say or do. "Sure, but I can't take over your room." You said with a chuckle. 

"Well... we could give one of the others rooms away to you...I might not like it but..." he sighed. "He and I could share a room... I guess." He groaned at the thought of the two of them sharing a room. "Sorry if that mixes things up, but hey maybe you guys will learn to love eachother!" You said with a little giggle. He smiled at your laugh, he seemed to have thought it was cute. "Yeah right." Donnie said with a smile, then looking at the door. "Well, I was going to come tell you that breakfast is ready, do you think you'd like something to eat?" Donnie asked. "Uhh.. sure." You said, wondering if it would be worms and algae. 

"Oh, don't worry we have human food." Donnie said with a wink. He helped you up out of bed and made sure you could walk ok as you made your way to the kitchen.  They seemed to have picked up some grocery's last night while you were sleeping because they had pancakes, waffles and bacon! "Woah! This all smells so good!" You exclaimed. To be honest they did a pretty good job cooking for one of their first times. "Mikey's like our personal chef now." Donnie explained.

 "Oh hey! You're the girl Donnie brought home last night!" Mikey said with a giggle. "So that's Mikey, or also known as Michelangelo." Donnie introduced. "Over there at the table is Raph, or Raphael." Donnie motioned to Raph. "And that's Leo or Leonardo!" He explained as Leo walked into the room. You didn't even really need to be introduced but you didn't want to seem like you already knew them and the lair like the back of your hand.

"Oh and guys, this is (y/n)! Donnie presented you in front of the others. Raph nodded at you, leo said a little "hello" and Mikey just smiled at you. "Alright guys, dig in!" Mikey said as he finished setting the table. You guys all sat down at the guys started to ask you questions. "So, (y/n), are you feeling any better?" Asked Leonardo. He was very sweet and caring, like Donnie which of course, you already knew. "Yeah, a little bit, legs are still sore but I'll get over it!" You answered with a smile. "Oh and by the way guys (y/n) might have to stay a few more days, she said she was kicked out of her house, right?" Donnie asked you for confirmation.

"Yeah... I hope that's ok." You said. "But where will she stay? I'm not giving my room away!" Raph said a bit snarky. "Well you won't have to worry because Mikey will be staying with... me." Donnie said with a gulp. "Wait so she's staying in Mikey's room? It stinks." Leo asked. "We can clean it." Donnie replied. "Wait! So we're going to be... ROOMIES?" Mikey asked as his eyes lit up. "Yes... so exciting." Donnie said sarcastically. "YAY!" Mikey said running up to Donnie and giving him a big squeeze. "This is going to be so fun, right Donnie?" You teased.



Time skip to hours later...

The guys had almost finished cleaning out Mikeys room which had taken practically all day. "Mikey, why are there like 50 full pizza boxes under your bed?" Donnie asked. "Idk, just incase I get hungry." He responded from the couch where he was currently resting with you, watching those guys work. "Mikey, get over here and help clean NOW!" Raph shouted. "But." Mikey started but then was stopped. "(Y/n) doesn't need help resting Mikey, now cmon!" Leo bugged him. Mikey sighed and marched on over to his room to help them finish.

By night time your room was finished, and you could finally get settled in. That's when you remembered.. "Toto!" Your memory had just started coming back when you realized your dog must have ran away after you passed out. 

Tysm guys for reading so far, if you have any suggestions for later chapters, please feel free to comment below! Bye for now! 

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