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I just came back from the fish market buying things needed for the restaurant damn these salmon prices are so high .While coming i saw him again by the sea shore he looked extra cute today ahh it is saurr bad for my health. The sad part is idk his name or where he's from his whatever, but i developed this huge crush on him these few months .Today im gonna talk to him i am confident about this today .yeonjuna we can do it.

i was going to cross the road when a bicycle rushed like it was gonna hit me but i knew who it was beomgyu my annoying cousin . 'Did u finally build confidence to talk to that guy ' beomgyu asked with a smirk in his face .' yeah kinda i gained the confidence today ' i said looking at the cute guy who is now gone

Suddenly my grandma called me to serve the people at the restaurant when i went inside i saw that cute guy and my grandma talking about something. My blood pumping crazy oh my oh my god cause i know u'll save me it is the first time seeing him this close he's so cute i'm gonna die no god he's coming close to me . ' umm excuse me can i get some tuna gimpap ' he asked i right away ran to kitchen shouting yess sir omg i'm going crazy u can't call me cringe cause this is how you will react when u talked to your crush for the first time.

i brought him tuna gimpap he said take away please so immediately packed it and gave it to him he sounded like he was rushing somewhere.

I asked grandma what they were talking about she answered ' I knew his mother for a long time unfortunately she died due to some illness . I feel sorry for that little boy he manages everything on his own since 12 he is now almost 21 i guess' I really feel sorry about him . even though my parents hate me i still miss them . After that i just kept doing my work at the restaurant.


I saw the guy again . he looked devastated so i quickly ran into the kitchen to get some rice and curry packed it up and ran chasing the guy . i finally reached close to him but he didn't notice my distance so i shouted. 'the guy by the sea shore' . He turned looking confused it was pitch dark . 'Sorry to startle you but i saw you out the window you looked devastated so i brought you some food here ' He looked at me and took the food . I was returning when he stopped me and thanked me 'Umm hii my name Choi Soobin nice to meet you i see you at the restaurant every morning but i didn't have the guts to talk sorry and thank you for the food i really needed this as i had to work at the library'. This was a lot of message for my brain to process so this guy sees me omg did he notice me staring at him oh shit . he works in the library cool i thought to myself. 'Maybe tomorrow we'll talk it is getting late u need to go to your home ' i said he realized and thanked me again and rushed off .


I woke at 4 to go the vegetable market the earlier the fresher. While returning i saw him waiting at the bench i rushed to him and asked him if he was waiting too long . he said he just came few minutes before . thank god.

we starts talking and it turned out pretty well that i fell in love with him . He is so sweet and smart he goes to college at the morning and has night shift in the library . he wants to study medicine and become a dentist good for him, he asked about me i said that i'm 23 and i am a novelist and work at my grandma's restaurant and we were talking about other things and we found a lot of common things. Seeing him laugh was something i'm determined to do for the rest of my life.

Weeks passed and we became a lot closer we went to market together , he accompanied me at the restaurant and we went to see the lunar festival and i fell in love with him i realized i should confess to him before it is too late

He messaged me to come early today i wonder why but i gonna confess to him . I met him by the shore. He waved at me i ran up suddenly he hugged me causing us to fall in the sand we had a pretty good laugh he opened up' Heyy i am going to seoul ' i interrupted him ' So suddenly , for how many days, when you are returning', i filled him with questions . He calmed me down and said ' Remember when i told you i want to pursue medicine i got a job offer in Seoul to work in a dental hospital so I'll practice there for 3 years and come back and work here I'll be leaving tomorrow '. I turned pale and was so sad that i finally found pure love and now it is drifting apart. He shook me and i came to my sense and filled him with questions again . This time i was so angry and furious that i started shouting at him that he could find jobs here. He looked scared and had enough of my shouting and shouted at me that he finds me irrelevant ' Yeonjun i can't believe that you are angry at me for leaving to pursue my dreams and stopping me what is the matter with you . you are being weird you are not my boyfriend to shout at me like that. ' What we are not that close' I moved closed to him he moved back looking terrified because of my voice getting deep and furious. I finally lost it something about me i lose my temper often because of my dad . I asked him about the time he was sitting in my lap enjoying the movie , the night we cuddled in my bed, the time we made out and nearly had sex. did it mean nothing to you' ,' Noo Daniel ' he pleaded 'stop calling me by my real name only those i love have the right to call me that' I said to him emotionless . I was disappointed when you think you have the opportunity you are so close but u miss it . it hurts bad .

THE STRANGER BY THE BREEZENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ