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Yeonjun woke up stretching then he went to take a shower it was weekday he had no office normally he would help his grandma in the kitchen or just visit his nephews ,his sister yeji called him and asked him to watch her kids for the weekend as she is having work ,she also informed they are close to reaching the restaurant and ended the phone. Yeonjun took a deep breath before going down to the restaurant

When he went down he saw the most adorable smile of kids hugging the soobin (SUNGHOON AND NIKI) he went there hugged his nephews . Sunghoon suddenly hugged soobin once again telling him how he missed him . Soobin asked sunghoon if he is willing to accompany him to the festival today ,sunghoon quickly shouted yes and hugged soobin once again .Niki also shouted 'Wait me too ' and joined the hug . Soobin and the kids laughed in the ground

Niki suddenly asked yeonjun to accompany them too ,yeonjun stuttered after seeing soobin but gave up when both the kids gave him puppy eyes

It was evening the kids dressed up wearing t shirt with shorts and yeonjun dressed wearing a loose shirt with jeans they were waiting for soobin who came down with a tank top which showed his waist with jeans and jean jacket , yeonjun suddenly walked away because his heart fluttered no yeonjun his mind shouted

They entered the festival the kids were running looking at the fair and stuff they went to play games ,Yeonjun played balloon shooting , soobin was amazed by yeonjun's skill by seeing soobin's reaction yeonjun has a smug look on his face showing of his talent

They played in trampoline mostly yeonjun and soobin falling on top of each other , Soobin and yeonjun went on the rollarcoaster where yeonjun and soobin sat next to each other , yeonjun rolled his eyes up , ' Why do you have to sit next to me you were also falling on me in trampoline i hate it ' ' there is no other place left and sorry i didn't mean to fall on you' ' soobin spoke up , they just didn't face each other .

The roller coaster ride started and it was moving slow but when it reached the top ,soobin got scared and got a hold of yeonjun's hand yeonjun just moved his hand soobin was hurt badly , yeonjun spoke up if you were such a coward you shouldn't have came ' 'Yeah Sorr- AHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHrAHA the roller coaster went down soobin literally died where yeonjun was enjoying the ride.

After the ride they all went to see fireworks it was beautiful everyone were looking awe ,Soobin looked at yeonjun the diamond he missed , if he hadn't over thought everything would be great , I and yeonjun would have beena couple holding hands , kissing enjoying soobin thought to himself

The kids were out in the children's playing area and there was half n hour left , So soobin and yeonjun were just standing there awkwardly ,Yeonjun went somewhere soobin suddenly followed him like a lost puppy yeonjun finally stopped there were not a lot of crowd he pinned soobin to a tree ' What's wrong with you , you're staring at me too much, holding me too much Are you in love soobin he asked Soobin immediately nodded ,yeonjun's eyes widened 'SOOBIN WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM PERFECT NOW HE CAN USE HIM AND THROW HIM AWAY ' He thought and kissed him Soobin's eyes widened yeonjun pulled off as soobin was breathless .

Soobin asked yeonjun 'Whyy' yeonjun answered he wanted to do it and he finally took soobin's hand and they went together to shops , Soobin didn't understand anything why yeonjun was doing this but he was enjoying ,they went to shops ,played games and had a lot of fun with each other .They went to home afterwards

Next few weeks passed by Soobin was deeply in love with yeonjun this was the best way to break it Soobin was happily swinging his hands on the way to yeonjun's office to notice yeonjun fiercely kissing Kaira with passion soobin dropped his bag which caused them to pull off yeonjun smirked . Soobin's eyes became so teary ' Sorry to disturb he said and closed the door rushed into the restroom to cry he couldn't hold it anymore he just didn't have luck in love at all ,soobin's heart broke for the second time

He washed his face and got out of the restroom to meet with Yeonjun ' Hey Soobin were you crying he asked ' 'Nothing there was dust in my eyes' soobin answered ' Soobin about what you saw she is my girlfriend about you being in love with me yesterday that wouldn't work out but you know what we could still be friends if you want to ' Soobin nodded and left his heart broke and broke he just wanted to catch some air

Yeonjun smirked and went to his office whistling and he ticked in his mind MISSION BREAK SOOBIN'S HEART COMPLETED . But he felt guilty of what he did he didn't know why but his heart was aching like he was the one who broke his own heart . Now soobin had a taste of his own medicine now I'm relaxed maybe i can be friends with him i had fun with him for a month .I was happy not just to break his heart but i really had fun with him so even though we broke each others heart doesn't mean we can't be friends like he hit me so i hit him let's call it even .

Soobin cried in his bedroom for a whole daya nd told everyone he was sick , what yeonjun did was right soobin did taste his own medicine . He can't face yeonjun now at all , Soobin was in fault to love yeonjun , He quickly washed his face as he was hungry so played along acted happy with everyone eating and went to work for a few days even when he was not in the mood ,

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