Chapter two // Anger invades

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Something interrupted me and I woke up, it was Mr Briggs my Physics teacher yelling in my face. I woke up with a queasy, shakey feeling but I was unable to tell whether it was just me exhausted or the stress. Yesterdays thoughts continued to haunt me for the rest of the lesson. If you are being forced into being alone don't you discover unimaginable resources within or around you? That's what people stranded on an island speak of. No, I think to myself. We are all stranded on an island, we are all alone but we have created the illusion of thinking we aren't but we are ... we always will be. Class had been dismissed and Mr Briggs or any one of my class mates took notice that I hadn't left already.

I dragged my deep black Michael Kors handbag with me to meet up with Ivory. I like the colour black. I believe black is the absence of all colour. It's all a burden, but you don't have to carry it around with you. Ivory tried to convince me, but it didn't seem to work. The important thing was that she never tried to take my problems as hers, or tried to fix them for me. I liked my own space as I was so used to being neglected, it made no difference to me anymore.

When you over think something, you put in so many variables that you cloud the solutions. Have you never felt angry? Then you're a lucky person. It's like the entire world is against you and you feel powerless, because you realise that you cannot fight them all and face the situation. I needed to hit something or break anything that was the closest to me, I wanted them to feel the same way I do. As I grew up I always heard that parents teach you what is right and what is wrong, then why did my parents teach me this bad habit? I guess my question will always remain a question.
Chelsea Carter. She was small, timid, meek. She reminded me largely of a field mouse desperately seeking shelter from a hawk. I lost contol and I punched her. It looked like a meteorite flying straight into her face. She let out not a soumd, taking the brutal punishment. I shamefully hid in the doorway.

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