Chaper three // Taken

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I think the feeling will never really go away, it will stay here, right beside me ... and constantly remind me that I have been thrown out of their lives, thrown out just like a piece of waste. Am I that bad? I ask myself. Your brain can't tell your heart to stop having feelings for your own parents or loved ones, can it? Because if it could, we'd all have lesser things to worry about. I wished to escape to somewhere new, somewhere I would have nothing to worry about. But if I would start searching for it, it would take too long, I'd never be able to find it ... because there is no such place on Earth.

I hear the door banging. I hear three loud knocks on the door. Is it them? Are the back? I could feel my smile starting to glow with joy but most of all relief. It felt like my prayers had been answered, that angels had felt some sympathy for my sorrows. I glanced out the rain-speckled window, drinking in the sight of the rain drop splattering on the dull grass. My eye caught something un-familiar. A black car, a black car parked right in front of my house. From bumper to bumper, the car was a beauty. I admired each and every one of its stunning details. The headlights shone just as the bright blazing sun. I had a blank expression on my face as I had never seen this car in the neighbourhood before.

A million thoughts rushed through my head all at once, I was unable to think. Who could it be? What did they want from me? I decided my questions would remain un-answered unless I opened the door. The door creaked smoothly as I opened it slowly. He grabbed hold of my vintage Hollister t-shirt and forcefully dragged me towards him. It was so unexpected that I was unable to even take a glance of his face.

It was Hunter. Hunter Carter. My crush. Well, I wish he was just a crush. But it was too late, I had fallen in love with him, but was there any point of one sided love? His personality was unique, the way he acts, the way he speaks, it makes me fall in love ever so deeply. Why was he hurting me? What had I done? A cold shiver ran down my back as I started to tremble.

His normally calm and pleasant demeanour slowly changed and his face contorted in all - consuming anger; his nostrils flaring, his eyes flashing and closing into slits, his mouth quivering and drooling, slurrinf words that were unintelligible came spewing like a volcano releasing its pent up emotions into the darkness
"WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TOUCH MY SISTER!?" He shouted louder than I ever expected which seemed to attract people in my neighbourhood. Not even a word dared to come out my mouth. He repeated the same question again. The loudness if his voice made it seem deafening.
"EVA EVENS! I SAID WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TOUCH HER? AYE!" He asked me this several times and kept pushing me into the wall until I gave an answer.
"I'M SORRY, SORRY PLEASE STOP ... PLEASE! I DIDN'T MEAN TO, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND." I pleaded, I cried, I got onto my knees for this torture to stop. I couldn't take it anymore. The world was collapsing on me and everyone else seemed unaware and happy. He pulled me to the exact same care I was admiring as if I was some kind of rotten corpse. And at that point I had wished that my question had remained un-attended.

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