Chapter eight // Arrested

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I kept showing you the way out because I wanted to see if you leave or find away to lock the door. I was too busy tearing them off their hinges to notice you were desperately trying to bolt them shut. I guess it's only fitting I'm left asking the windowpanes where you went. I think of the things I wanted to say to you like "It's for the best" and "Maybe it was never that good anyway." But when I get the chance to say anything, all that will come out is I miss you, let me stay. I'm trying not to let this bitterness leave a bad taste in my mouth but you never saw the point of someone else's lips on yours unless they made your teeth shake, and all I can fucking think about is you leaning in first for anyone but me. The weight of your absence is so heavy I can't remember what it feels like to breathe without gasping. There are a hundred different ways to say I miss you but I'm stumbling over every single one and I've realised that you can only write about someone so much before the only thing you can write about is the last time you saw them. They say you're only as good as the company you keep. So I guess that's why I haven't been doing so well since you left me.

A siren. A long-wailing scream that pierces the stillness of the night. A long, plaintive scream that plunges into the depths of your soul. The door smashed open, an army of police men rushed in, each and every one of them carrying guns in defence for their own safety. They dragged Hunter and hand-cuffed him behind his back, the same way he tied me with ropes. Each officer grabbed Hunter which made it even harder for Hunter to escape. He carried on kicking and puching but it was useless. "I am arresting you for the murder of Chelsea Carter."

I continued running for what seemed longer than it should have taken to get back to Hunters place, but I figured it was because I wanted to get back so fast. A distinct old dead tree came up on the path that meant that I should be able to see the Police cars parked outside his house. Forcing my legs to push harder I kept my sprint. I rounded the bend in the path and came to an abrupt halt. My breathing hitched in my throat making my already screaming lungs just about burst. I just knew I had to save him.

"GET OFF HIM!" I cried panting.
I fell to the ground, begging to the police officer. He left me no choice but to leave. I didn't give up.
"Five minutes sir, just five minutes? Let me just talk to him, I just need five minutes then you can take him away and I won't stop you." Each officer turned to each other and nodded. They stood there waiting. I took Hunter to the basement, where it was more private. I could still smell the bitterness of the brutal murder. When you're in love you get kind of moonstruck.

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