Chapter four // No way out

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In the middle of nowhere, everything looked unfamiliar. Strayed from the beaten track. Where shall I go? Where shall I hide? It's pointless. There's no way out. Fear became a tangible, living force that crept over me like some hungry beast, immobilising me; my brain, holding me captive. I'm terrified for the future ahead, but is there any future? What I was experiencing was the closest thing to death one can acquire, and yet remain alive.

I can feel it. I know it's there. They're here. Watching me. I glanced around nervously, four strange looking men dressed in black suits surrounding me. Their eyes were looking straight into mine. I couldn't recognise any of the faces. Except one. Hunter. Dark grey eyes, that looked like they had only ever known hate and anger. He stared deep into your soul with just a heavy glance. I'm tied to the chair. My mouth is covered with tape, my legs are tied too. No matter how much I tried, I was unable to set myself free. Shall I beg for forgiveness? What forgiveness? There's no use. I want someone to hear my voice, someone to just notice my struggle. I sit there staring at the empty floor. Darkness. That's all there is.

There was no sound just a stillness like the inside of a coffin ensued as if the empty room had been lowered into a grave. Feeling stuck is the worst feeling. It feels permanent. You lose hope for or lose track of your destination, and can't seem to see a way out. It's a heavy frustration, that eats at your soul.

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