Droopy day

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You were awake but not for long as you kept dozing in and out laying in bed watching TV turning your head when Indi walks back in the room with coffee and breakfast on a tray smiling as you lean up noticing the slight chill coming in from the cracked window in the room. The two of you eat to the sounds of the random movie playing on the tv and the rain outside since the change of the weather "You tired baby?" you nod putting your half filled cup on the nightstand as indi stands up with the tray before heading downstairs coming back up to find you asleep smiling before kissing your temple passing time by doing a few loads of laundry, sweeping, and mopping around the house checking on you and watching tv in between each task never being upset when you would wake up for a little bit and fall back asleep only holding you in her arms and placing soft kisses on your forehead or temple waking you up a bit later on to eat lunch before falling back asleep to her hand lightly running along your back as episodes of Hot in Cleveland plays in the background waking up an hour later deciding to shower since indi was downstairs putting dishes up snuggling together eating dinner "Sorry for sleeping most of the day baby" she holds your hand after finishing dinner pressing a kiss to the side of your temple. "Don't apologize honey I get it the weather change makes people more tired sometimes" sharing a kiss laying back in bed after doing the rest of the dishes together before both of you fall back asleep after closing the window hearing the tv playing episodes of Golden girls and the light drizzle of rain outside.

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