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Thea jumps when you slam the door a bit too hard than you had meant to but you just wanted to cry walking into the kitchen where you see thea forgetting that she had gotten home earlier in the day. She watches you grab a drink from the fridge before you were stress eating which was a bad habit you had for years especially if your anxiety and depression worked in tandem with each other "Hey baby stop look at me" you turn your head as tears flowed down your face wrapping yourself around her burying your face in the crook in her neck mumbling every once in awhile "What'd you say baby?" she leads you to the couch wrapping you in a blanket and bringing you a plate of fries sitting beside you as the two of you share the fries while watching episodes of MasterChef which helped calm you down a bit "The day has just been shit...I'm frustrated at myself and my mind really isn't helping" she knew that your emotions weren't always in control which caused you to get frustrated and it only intensified whenever you had a bad day or dealing with anxiety and depression but she was always patient with you and helped out in anyway she could. No matter if you needed to rant it out, cry for awhile instead of holding everything in, snacks and movies, or just snuggles she was always there waiting for open arms as soon as you walked through the door, she wraps you in her arms after you came back from the kitchen and did dishes snuggled up to her wrapped under the blanket on the couch explaining the shitty work day and running around town paying bills and running errands feeling yourself burnt out over the past few weeks willing yourself to get things done while waiting for thea to come home almost crying when you saw her after coming home earlier because of how much you wanted her home "I'm home now so you can rest for a bit" you hadn't even realized you said the thoughts in your head out loud looking at thea before she presses a kiss to your forehead rubbing your temples to help with the small headache you had been nursing for most of the day slowly feeling yourself relax as the tv plays in the background while your wrapped in thea's arms.

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