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"I'll be back in a few minutes" that was the last thing you said to Ava as you walked out the door to make a quick gas station run for a few things not knowing where the small trip would lead for you over the next five hours. You were walking out when you noticed a guy leaning in his car as you unlocked your car fixing to get inside when you're yanked out unable to fight back before being put in the trunk of the car, you screamed and banged on the top of the truck hoping to get someone's attention or pop the trunk open to jump out, the car seemed to drive four am eternity until it suddenly stopped making adrenaline pump throughout your body leading to you swinging and fighting back when the trunk opened not knowing that you were in the middle of nowhere beside an open field until you started running away and ended up hiding in tall grass as you heard yelling. As you listened carefully you made your way to the other end of the field where you noticed a porch light from a house making you tear up as you ran and banged on the door, a man opened it who happened to be an army veteran who immediately pulled you in and locked the door leading to the police arresting the man and taking you to the station for your statement feeling relieved as you sipped on water wrapped in a blanket when you hear the door fly open and a hysterical ava pulling you into her arms and holding you with a death grip as both of you sobbed, your nerves were still in fight or flight as you sat on the couch in the living room with an Alka Seltzer water while ava brought you warmed up leftovers from dinner always feeling scared whenever she wasn't beside you even for a second to put the dishes in the sink which broke her heart a sthe two of you sat on the couch for the next two hours before heading to bed but neither of you slept especially you as you held onto ava while she ran her hand over your back whispering in your ear to remind you that you were safe and she would never leave you as the journey to healing slowly began in that moment.

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