Chapter 2

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The first facility they'd visit was the Performance Theatre, which was smaller looking than the others. As the trio rolled up to the building and went inside, they noticed someone was practicing on the stage, which intrigued Serena, telling them to look. The girl on stage had dark blue hair, a pink beanie and a skirt, with a black tank top on top. She had a buneary and piplup goin at each other, seeing what moves would work together. Serena noticed this and noticed something, since piplup could shoot bubbles, buneary could use swift to get the stars capsulated in the bubbles, to either let them explode or let them shine. "Uh, hello, miss?" Serena reached out.

"Oh, yeah?" The girl on stage replied back.

"Please don't mind me but I think you could use swift and bubble together, to catch the stars with bubbles, it'll be all sparkly and cute." Serena suggested. The girl did as Serena told, ordering Buneary to use swift while Piplup shot bubbles for each star the rabbit pokemon threw. The stars got absorbed by the bubbles, travelling up into the air, the stage lights hitting down on them, letting the light travel to the seats and the stage below, all the while shining brightly.

"Wow, thank you!" The girl said in response, watching the bubbles explode, with the stars inside turning into yellow glitter. "If Piplup increases the water that the bubbles hold, the glitters will even stick on to the stage, this'll be really useful!"

Serena smiled and nodded. "I'm glad I could help." She then realized they never introduced themselves, so she quickly got to it. "Oh, by the way, I'm Serena." She said, reaching out her hand above. "I'm Dawn, nice to meet you." The girl on stage replied back.

Serena then pointed to Ash and Clemont. "And these guys are Ash and Clemont, the runner up of the Kalos League and the GYM Leader of the Electric GYM."

The duo got embarrassed, fidgeting in their respective styles. "That doesn't matter a lot, anyways, nice to meet you." Ash said, shaking Dawn's hand. "I think I remember your name from back when I was traveling, any chance you took part in contests?"

Dawn nodded. "I was and still am, although just like you, I ended up only managing the finals, I never won a title." 

"That's alright, it's the reason we're here, there's no shame in learning more about yourself and how you can get to your goal, only in staying still." Ash said, looking at her.

Dawn smiled, to which Ash did as well. "Thank you, Ash. I think I remember you as well, you were the guy with the infernape, right?" 

Ash nodded. The two got to talking about their respective travelling days, when Serena turned to Clemont. "Those two sure got friendly real quick." Clemont laughed. "Well, that's just how Ash is, he's a joy to be around so no wonder he makes friends real quick. Kinda makes me wonder why he travelled all alone all this time."

Serena shrugged at that.


After Dawn decided that she'd join the group, they made their way over to the training facilities, where Ash invited Clemont over for a battle. They started out pretty slow, with Ash only using Pikachu and Clemont choosing to go with Luxray, like a rematch of their GYM battle. So, the two girls got to talking. "So, you ever travelled before, Serena?"

Serena nodded. "I went on a journey just to see what I'd end up choosing to be honest. After a little time passed, I decided that I'd try to have a go at performing." 

Dawn didn't understand what performing was, so Serena explained. Meanwhile, dust was settling from the battlefield, the battle getting pretty intense. "I had a rival Miette, who would even tease me from time to time, it was pretty enjoyable now that I look back on it."

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