Chapter 5

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"...Huh, where am I?" Serena thought to herself, as she looked around in the black void she was in. It was cold, with no source of light in any visible range whatsoever. It was such a bizarre place that she had found herself in, that she hadn't even realized what was wrong with her. As she looked down at her body to see if she had anything she could cover up with, she realized she was much shorter. Her hair was almost as long as half her body and she realized she was in a pink dress as well. "Where's mum?" She thought to herself again, wanting out of this place she was in.

Shivering, she walked, for mere minutes perhaps that had felt like hours to her, into the unknown. She could feel her legs trembling, ready to give up but she wanted not to. She wanted to push herself, to get out of here but her small body just couldn't handle the workload anymore, and her legs buckled. Even though she was in a void, she still had a sense of balance and direction, so when she was falling she realized it wasn't in a normal speed. It was rather slow, and just as she was about to plummet, something obscured her vision completely but the more she felt whatever this was that had obscured her vision, the more she realized it was rather some*body*, instead of something.

So, she looked up, to see a spiky, raven haired boy, presumably much bigger than her looking down at her. He was smiling. Serena, having not understood where she was and what she was doing here still, were on the verge of tears, and this guy was smiling at her?

Just as she was about to break down, the guy sat down properly and patted her head, complimenting her hat. "That's a really cute strawberry hat you have right there, young miss." He said, lifting the brim so they'd be eye to eye. Serena sniffed a little, still clearly scared of whoever this was. "It seems like you're pretty cold, want me to give you my jacket?" To which, Serena nodded. It was just quite the offer she couldn't refuse at the moment. So, the boy wrapped his jacket around her, Serena almost getting lost in it. 

"Hey, better now?" 

Serena hesitantly nodded. "Mhm." She managed to squeak out, her voice barely above a whisper. "Say, who are you, mister?"

The boy scratched the back of his neck. "I'm Ash, Ash Ketchum." He held out his hand. "And you are...?" Serena reached out herself. "Serena." She said, a little bit more confident now.

"Say,you wouldn't happen to be upset, would you Serena?" Ash asked, getting up. His height was more than the twice of her own, so she had to reach out for his hand to hold on to. "Mommy and daddy..." The small blonde started out, losing her voice mid sentence. 

Ash's smile turned into a frown. "They had a little argument, didn't they?" To which, she nodded at. "Yeah, that sucks big time, doesn't it? I've had the same problem before..." 

She was confused, but for some odd reason she felt safe around this person.

"Let's get you some ice cream and go to the park, I'm sure you'll forget about all of those in no time." Ash said, holding her hand walking into a light that appeared before them, which turned into an outdoor park with an ice cream truck next to the sidewalk as they walked in.

She had some ice cream before he helped her get through some of the parkours in the park, although she couldn't grip the monkey bars just right, and fell. Having fell from a little bit of height, her knee obviously bled a little. Ash quickly made his way over, laughing. "Oh dear, you've fallen again?" He said. "Again?" Serena thought, which at that moment, led to her seeing a younger boy and her in a bush, where she had the exact same injury, with the boy helping her out just like how Ash did. Serena felt dizzy a little as she did so. 

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