Chapter 3

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Having woken up after such a night, Serena was sure she'd slept in but when she took a look at the clock it was only 6A.M, two hours early before the class started. She wanted to sleep more like she did back at home but realized that she probably wouldn't be able to wake up, so she got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She changed into her daily clothes and combed her hair, which was starting to get longer again. She didn't know if she should cut it again or let it grow like last year. 

As she got out of the bathroom, she heard a door close and as she looked at the corridor, she saw none other than Ash. He yawned, before he lifted up his shirt to scratch his stomach, letting his rather toned body show. Serena knew he was sleepy but fucking hell did that catch her off guard.

She shook her head and gave him a fist bump. "Good morning, sleepy head." 

Ash groaned. "Good morning, do I still have to make breakfast?" 

Serena smiled, setting the plates down before she made her way over to the bedrooms. "Yes, yes you do." She knocked on the boys' room, letting Clemont know that they should get ready, before she went to their own room and got Dawn up. As she, Dawn and Clemont came back to the kitchen, Ash was already in front of the stove, making them some pancakes. Clemont realized just how sweet they smelled so he asked. "Whoa, those sure do smell delicious, have you bought them the day before?"

Ash shook his head. "No, these are just what my mom used to make back when I was a kid. Since my father was away ever since I can remember, I'd misbehave to my mother whenever it came time to eat and she'd have a hard time trying to get me to eat at the table, at least when I was way way smaller." He said, as he took the spatula on the side and flipped the pancake, now having cooked enough for everyone. He slowly put it on the plate next to him, before he closed the stove. "So, to get me to like eating properly and at the table, she'd lure me in with my favorites, which were these pancakes. I'm a pretty big dessert guy, so she knew I'd never resist a breakfast like this."

Serena smiled at that, before she and Ash made eye contact. She'd have continued as well if Ash hadn't broke it, since he had to put the pancakes to everyone's plates. As he did so, Serena decided that she'd help, going and getting everyone a glass of orange juice that was in the fridge, which apparently the university helps each group of students with small groceries. Everyone said their thanks and started to eat, and before long, Dawn and Clemont got up to go and get dressed, with only an hour left before their classes started. Ash and Serena were now cleaning the table, and the silence was awkward. As they both turned to the counter and started washing the dishes, Ash thought he'd tease her a little bit to break the silence and make it less awkward. So, as he was scrubbing the plate on his hand with dish soap, he put some on his index finger, before he pressed on her cheek, her looking at him blankly. Ash started at her back, before Serena got mad and had an evil grin on her face. She quickly lifted the plate she was washing so that the water would hit him in the face, to which he laughed back. "Hey!" He said, closing the tap. "You're going to pay for that, miss." He said, as Serena quickly ran back to the table and took cover on the opposite side of him. Ash, water still dripping from his face, quickly ran to the right side of her but turned around, knowing she'd run left without thinking. He quickly got to the other side and caught Serena from her arms. She was laughing her heart out, so much so to the point her eyes were almost closed, crying from laughter. 

Ash took a moment to embrace that sight in, he never knew being together with a group could ever be this fun. Though, for some reason, this specifically, this sight here, was special. It was radiating a rather warm feeling in his heart, in his entire body that he was unsure of what to feel about. As Serena stopped laughing and looked up to see him eye to eye, they stood there for a few seconds, smiling to each other. Right as he was about to say something, he noticed Dawn had walked in, so he let her go with a "I'll take revenge later, miss Yvonne." So, he walked back and finished the dishes, while Dawn took Serena to the side.

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