Into You

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Special thanks to @occupyswift, @ElonMuskFanGirl, and @sailormusk for all the lovely feedback. Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day! I had to break this chapter up because it was getting long, but be prepared the next chapter is going to be S3XY

Nobu is nothing if not a celebrity hot spot. But as Ariana and Elon stepped into the restaurant, it seemed that all eyes turned to stare at them. Ariana felt the thrill of it and pointedly leaned close to Elon as they were ushered to their table. The restaurant was all decked out for Valentine's Day, red lanterns casting a warm glow and flowers adorning every available surface. It could be such a lonely holiday when you're single. She was relieved that she didn't have to spend it alone.

Their waiter poured them wine and gushed effusively how it was the finest vintage, set aside specifically for their special Valentine's Day menu. Elon stared blankly at the man then turned to Ariana with dawning realization in his eyes. After they placed their orders and the waiter left, she giggled and clinked her glass on his.

"You had no idea it was Valentine's Day, did you?" She grinned at him.

"What? What would ever give you that impression?" He sipped his wine, trying and failing to look casual.

She giggled again and he smiled despite himself. He reached out and gently took hold of her hand, tracing her tattoos. She loved when he did that. Also loved how he was looking at her. His eyes were so intense. Intelligent eyes staring at her. A little bit dangerous. So much hidden in their depths. All that brilliance. All for her. So fucking hot.

Elon leaned towards her and whispered, "Have I told you how beautiful you are?"

He had told her. Multiple times that evening, from the moment he picked her up, during their car ride, and even as they were walking into the restaurant. But Ariana loved it. Loved his interest and how he initiated. Guys her age liked to play uninterested and hard to get. Stupid and frustrating. She was ready to fall in deep. Go all the way.

Ariana leaned in a little too close and whispered back, "I think you may have mentioned something about that. And you're looking pretty dashing yourself, sir."

His eyes lit up and his mouth dropped open slightly as she ran her fingers through a lock of his hair. She enjoyed the soft feel under her fingers. And enjoyed even more how affected he seemed to be by her caress. She loved when men didn't hide their feelings. Elon was surprisingly expressive. It only fueled her desire to cross the line. Past the point of no return.

As she sipped her wine, he studied her. She could tell something was on his mind. Wondered if he would let her in on his thoughts or hide things from her. She considered how to tease it out of him when he seemed to make an internal decision.

Elon leaned towards her, a serious look in his eyes. "Ari, there's something that's been nagging at me. I keep thinking about the day we met when I blew up at one of my employees. I'm sorry that you had to see me like that. It's not a part of me that I enjoy."

Ariana shrugged, "I think I expected you to be crazy all the time. Either that or an emotionless businessman. Part of the reason I wanted to meet you at Tesla was to see you in your element. I really like when people have passions. And you get very emotional about your passions. It may sound crazy, but I prefer that. So even though rage isn't seen as a good thing. I actually liked it. It's kind of hot."

He stared at her in disbelief. "Hot?"

"Yeah, you're really hot when you're mad."

His look of disbelief transformed into a smirk.

"Only when I'm mad?"

She got too close to him again. Close enough to inhale the intoxicating scent of his cologne.

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