Chapter One - The Birth Of The Avatar And Legend

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Book One: Water

Two cries were heard from inside the Southern Air Temple. Two mothers giving birth to their children under the same moon and sun. One mother giving birth to a baby boy while the other gave birth to a baby girl.

This was all witnessed by an Air Nomad by the name of Monk Gyasto "It seems we have finally found our Avatar and Legend" He whispered, smiling as he looked into the room, one after another.

The mothers held their children close for the first and last time while their babies slept peacefully, a smile on their little faces. Their mothers, knowing this will be the last time they would see them, smiled sadly, knowing that they faced a destiny bigger than they imaged, knowing no matter what they will be facing their destinies together, full of danger, excitement and love and hopefully friends.

With one last cuddle, the two mothers gave their new-born babies to Monk Gyasto who will become their new caretaker, knowing and trusting that he would be there for them and help them as much as he can.

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