Chapter Five - Prince Zuko Of The Fire Nation

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"YAY! AANG AND ALEXA'S BACK!" Cheered the little children as they raced towards the two airbenders and Katara and surrounded them "Miss Alexa, Mr Aang can we go o..." They started to say just to be cut off by Sokka when he stormed up to them glaring.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU TWO!" Sokka said yelling "YOU'RE LEADING THEM STRAIGHT FOR US AIN'T YOU!" He said stepping forwards, his hand going to his coat pocket causing Aang to grab Alexa and pull her behind him slightly while Katara turned to glare at her brother.

"Sokka! They didn't do nothing. It was an accident!" Spoke Katara, stepping forwards towards her brother who was slowly inching himself forwards.

"Yeah we were on that ship and well there was a booby trap and I um..." Aang said pausing to breathe in "Boobied straight into it" He said guilty as he rubbed the back of his head and Kanna to walk forwards and stop in front of Katara.

"Katara, you very well know that you shouldn't of gone anywhere near or on that ship" Kanna said disappointed "Now because of your mistake we could all be in danger"

"Don't blame Katara Kanna" Alexa said stepping out from behind Aang and stepping forwards making everyone attention turn onto her "Aang and I were the ones who said for her to go on it" She said with her head lowered slightly causing Aang to look at her guilty and Katara to look at her confused before her eyes widened when she got what Alexa was doing.

"Alexa... I" Started Aang.

"AHA! The traitors confesses! Warriors away from the ememy!" Sokka said cutting him as he glared at Aang and Alexa making the children start walking back towards him slowly, their expressions showing sadness "The foreigners are banned from our village!"

Katara glared at him angrily "Sokka, you're making a mistake"

"No I'm not" Sokka replied back "I'm keeping my promise to Dad, Katara and that is protecting you from threats like them" He said pointing to the two airbenders.

"Aang and Alexa are not the enemy!" Katara said motioning to them "Don't you see that they brought us something we haven't had in a lot time" She said making Sokka glare at her "Fun Sokka. They brought us fun"

Sokka scoffed "Fun! Fun! You can't fight firebenders with fun!"

"You can actually" Spoke up Aang making Sokka turn to glare at him "What you can" He said when the village stared at him making him sigh "Sheesh tough crowd" He muttered to Alexa making her nod in agreement.

"GET OUT! NOW!" Ordered Sokka making Aang and Alexa look away from each other and to him.

"Grandmother please" Katara said pleading "Please... Don't let Sokka do this" Looking at both her grandmother and brother.

"Katara" Kanna said speaking up causing everyone to look at her "You knew that going on that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right, I think it will be best if the airbenders left"

Katara glared "Then if that's the case Gran Gran than I'm banished too!" She said and grabbed Alexa who was closer to her and started to drag her towards Appa making Aang look between the villagers and them "C'mon Aang, let's go!"

Sokka pointed at Katara "And what do you think you're doing Katara?"

"You can't stop me Sokka" Katara said stopping to look at her brother and grandmother "I'm old enough to make my own decisions and even if you could stop me I wouldn't stop trying to leave" She said looking at her brother in the eye.

"Right and where would you even go hmm" Sokka asked crossing his arms as he looked at his sister before turning his head slightly to glare at Aang and Alexa.

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