Chapter Two - A Hundred Years Before

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"HAHA! YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!" Laughed a teenaged girl with long blonde hair, bright green eyes and wearing a female Air Nomad clothing said as she ran away laughing.

"ALEXA! GET BACK HERE!" Shouted a teenaged boy with mischievous grey eyes, no hair and wearing a male Air Nomad clothing said as he ran after his friend dripping wet. "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!"

"LIKE I'M GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN AANG!" Alexa yelled, turning around to stick her tongue out just for Aang to suddenly use his bending and appear behind her.

"GOTCHA!" Grinned Aang as he pounced on Alexa not seeing a monk walk around the corner and stare with a raised eyebrow as they fell to the ground laughing.

"G... G... Get off me Aang. You're wet!" Muttered Alexa as she struggled to get up from underneath Aang making him snigger.

"Told you I would get you" Aang said laughing as he got off her and helped her onto her feet, their backs still facing the monk just for them to jump when they heard clapping.

"Monk Gyasto" Bowed Aang and Alexa before straighten up.

"Hello children, it seems you two are getting along well" Monk Gyasto said smiling.

"Look what she did to me" Aang said gesturing to himself making Monk Gyasto shake his head and laugh a little and Alexa too "How is that getting along Monk Gyasto... She's was being a brat and meanie" He muttered turning to his best friend just to step back at the dark look she was sending his way due to his wording.

"Me... a brat? Aang... really? And a  meanie? How old are you?" Alexa said as she moved towards him slowing making Aang pout and step closer to the monk "One... that prank was payback for flipping me off that building last week during training and two... a brat really? That's coming from someone who got angry when they couldn't go fly on Appa" Her body fully facing Aang by the time she was finishing talking to him making him huff and look away then back again causing Monk Gyasto to laugh before he stopped which went unnoticed by the two bickering teens.

"THAT WAS BY ACCIDENT THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND ABOUT ME GETTING ANGRY I HAD EVERYR..." Aang started to yell just to be cut off by a cough making the two teens look towards the monk who was staring at them with a serious expression on his face, all laugher leaving his eyes as he looked at them.

"Monk Gyasto?" Questioned Alexa "Um everything okay?"

Monk Gyasto looked at them sadly "Aang... Alexa... we have something important that we need to discuss with both of you as that is the reason why I am standing in front of you today" The aging monk said, his expression giving nothing away of what he wanted to speak about causing the two teens to look at each other worriedly and back "Please could you both follow me" He said before turning and walking away leaving the two teen to watch as he entered a temple making them turn to each other and nod before following slowly and entering the same on to see him on the floor with a scroll before him.

"Do you know what these are children?" Monk Gyasto asked them rolling the scroll out to reveal some old toys making them confused as they sat down.

"They're our old toys right?" Aang said looking at him.

"I remember those. We use to play with them all the time when we were little" Mumbled Alexa to Aang who nodded.

"Indeed you did Alexa. Both you and Aang use to get in all sorts of mischief with them but that isn't what I asked you to come here for" Monk Gyasto said looking at them both.

"Then what is then? Why are you showing these to us?" Aang question while Alexa looked at him uncertain making the monk look at them sadly before he started to explain the reason for them being called in and what it meant just for him to receive confused looks from them both.

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