Fixing Things

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Catwoman: "You stopped the bomb right?"

Barbara: "Yeah just barely. Clark slowed it down long enough for me to hack it. What do we do about my dad?"

Batman: "I'll talk to him. We need to find some common ground for the good of Gotham."

Catwoman: "You just love saying Gotham don't ya?"

(The Riddler enters, twirling a cane with a question mark on it)

Riddler: "A noble effort, Batman truly but did you really expect me to go down quite so easy?"

(A batarang knocks him out)

Batman: "Riddle me that."

Alfred: "So do not truly wish to marry Miss Kyle do you?"

(Batman and Catwoman shared a look of understanding)

Batman: "We may not be ready to get married.."

(Catwoman walked up to him and kissed him passionately)

Catwoman: "But we are ready to start dating."

Alfred: "Then...I shall postpone the wedding until further notice."

Batman: "Thanks, Alfred."

Alfred: " pleasure, sir."

(Superman flew Lois home and kissed her in the sky)

Lois: "I knew it was you, Smallville.."

Superman: "Yeah right."

(The next evening, Batman waited by the new Bat Signal when Jim walked up)

Jim: "What's this for?"

Batman: "An offer. To work together again. The way things used to be."

Jim: "..for the record I'm..sorry. I shouldn't have blamed you for..what happened to Barbara."

Batman: "I should have protected her, Jim. You had every right to be angry."

Jim: "But I took it too far. Seeing Barbara defend you like that..made me realize just how far."

Batman: "We'll fix things, Jim. Together. If you'll have me."

(Batman offered his hand..and Jim eventually shook it)

Jim: "Let's get back to work."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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