[ Evening's Feather's ]

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Cool sunlight fluttered through the fern walls of the medicine den, warming Onyxheart's un-groomed fur. She listened close to the low murmurs coming from outside, which informed her of two things:
One, she had been in the medicine den for a day and a half,
And two, they had postponed Speckledfoot's burial so she could take part in it.
Her heart glazed over and her eyes went bleak at the thought of her now late brother.

"Speckledfoot..." she mumbled miserably to herself.
Why did he have to die? Why couldn't it have been Wolfpaw or Silverspring? Someone insignificant, someone replaceable.
She sighed, and Poppytrot, who had been talking to Mothfang up ahead, whipped her head towards her.

"You! Eat these, don't talk!" She ushered, stuffing a bushel of strong-smelling herbs under her nose. Onyxheart gave them a skeptical look, but forced them down under the medicine cats watchful gaze. Then she left, leaving Onyxheart.

Her heart sunk deeper when she saw Mothfang, her only remaining sibling. He was holding two feathers between his teeth, one blue and one green. He gently lay the green one in front of Onyxheart.

"Found 'em in his nest. He'd want you to have it." He said. Onyxheart silently accepted the thoughtful gift, twisting to place them at the base of her tail.

"And you'll take the other?" She croaked.

"No," he sighed, "I'm giving it to Eveningpelt."


"It's the right thing to do. They loved each other, and they still do. He needs it more then me" he explained, a hint of exasperation edging his voice.

"Eveningpelt was a little crush, nothing more! We're his family! His little brother and sister, his whole world! What did Eveningpelt do to deserve the last bit of Speckledfoot we have!?" She burst, anger, hurt and confusion clouding her head.

Mothfang closed his eyes and counted under his breath for a moment before answering.
"You know full well that he was more then a little crush. The only thing stopping them from being a full couple was an official announcement. Speckledfoot had a life besides us. You need to accept that."

Onyxheart bristled.
"You're a traitor! You don't love Speckledfoot at all!" She hissed, stumbling to her feet. "Fine, give them to Eveningpelt, you don't deserve them!"

"Listen Onyxheart, I know you're hurting, I really do. But you aren't the only one mourning. Webtalon lost Leopardsong, Eveningpelt lost Speckledfoot- and honestly? I feel like I've lost you."

Then, without as much as a glance back, he turned on his heels and left.

[I need kit names! You can enter up to three, but I'll only be taking one from each person. Winner gets a permanent follow and their name featured in the next chapter or two!]

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