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A/N: it's not going to be a quick love story, at first it's going to just start off as you finding him weird and creepy, etc.

Years later, you returned to Poppy's playtime.

You looked around.

"This place is a dump." You muttered and you thought to yourself what had happened all those years you were gone?

You entered quietly and cautiously and eventually made it through many different levels and got to the part where you talked to Ollie again in the 'Home Sweet Home' building.

It was a building that gave off an eerie feel like something was off and those phone calls and tapes confirmed it.

You walked cautiously through the old building and suddenly the phone rang making you jump.

You walked toward it and answered.

"You need to run!" Ollie spoke and you got chills all over your body.

It felt like someone was watching you

You turned around slowly and saw it.

Saw him.


You both froze in your tracks.

"Catnap?" You whispered. "Is that really you?" You muttered in disbelief.

The large cat revealed himself, his tail swishing behind him.

A purr emitted from him but he didn't say anything as he slowly approached the you which made you extremely nervous and you backed up until you were fully against the table behind you.

"Y/N." He finally spoke.

His voice sounded deeper than before and way creepier than you had remembered.

He sat down calmly in front of you, his tail swishing behind him as he bent his head toward you.

A smile crossed your face and you walked over and pet him and pet behind his ears too earning a purr from him which made your smile a bit bigger.

"I missed you." You murmured and he let out what sounded like a huff.

"I did too but I'm glad that you left when you did." He responded which made you lift a brow at the statement.

He saw your reaction and decided to explain himself further.

He didn't want you to get the wrong idea.

"The Hour of Joy, everyone died. Every single worker, every single child, every baby. Nobody was left alive." He specified.

Your eyes widened at the information you had been searching for in the first place.

"I'm glad you're okay." You said, swiping your thumb gently over his cheek where his permanent smile was and he purred.

"Same goes for you." He responded before his body tensed and he hushed you.

You were confused but listened.

You guys stood there for what seemed like hours but it was actually only about 5 minutes.

You could've sworn you heard faint scraping and it scared you.

"We need to move, if the Prototype finds out I've been keeping you alive he'll kill you." Catnap spoke, worry lacing his voice.

"The Prototype, who's that?" You questioned in curious worry.

"My Lord, My Savior, the man who saved me but he is rather ruthless especially to people who disobey him." Catnap spoke.

Your eyebrows knitted at that statement.

You never thought you would hear those words fall from Catnap or hear those words ever unless someone was talking about Jesus.

It just sounded plain odd and definitely not something you expected Catnap to ever say, it threw you off.

"Your...savior?" You questioned cautiously.

Catnap wrapped his large tail around you and placed you on his back walking cautiously.

"He saved me when I was on the verge of death, made me stronger, better." Catnap spoke in an almost creepy admiration for his so called 'God.'

You shivered.

This whole conversation just sounded off.

"So uhmm..." you paused.

"What about the other smiling critters, what happened to them?" You asked.

Catnap's footsteps faltered for a second before he continued walking.

You felt his shoulders shrug but you didn't get an answer.

You had a feeling something was terribly wrong and you also had the feeling you shouldn't press on the matter.

You weren't going to but it would bother you too much if you didn't.

"Catnap, answer my question." You said cautiously through gritted teeth.

Catnap turned his head slightly toward your direction, you could see those white pupils looking at you and it reminded you of old times.

Simpler times.

You shook your head at the thought and when you focused back on his pupils, it looked like they shrunk in size.

Rather creepily at that.

A shiver ran down your spine.

He looked like he was staring through you, at your soul, not at you.

"Dęæd." He spoke, his voice having that distorted sound like it did all those years ago.

That shut you up.

You didn't want to ask why or how, at least right now.

You just felt queasy at the thought.

"Oh." You muttered.


You and Catnap were in pure eerie silence the rest of the way until he deemed a place safe enough for you both to be.

He carefully slid you off of his back, his tail carrying you gently to the floor.

"I missed you." Catnap suddenly spoke.

The unexpected talking made you jump and you turned around to face him, looking up at him.

"I missed you too." You smiled softly.

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