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Uneasiness coursed through your body about this whole situation.

Catnap, Ollie, the prototype, the trash compactor...

You paused.

"The trash compactor." You mumbled quietly.

Catnap was asleep next to you curled up into a ball so he didn't hear what you had said at all.


The train crash was brutal.

Your head ached and you could barely keep your eyes open as you felt someone carry you somewhere.

Your vision was hazy and very blurry but you could've sworn you could make out purple paws and when you were laid down, you could've sworn you saw Catnap but you were too weak to even attempt to call out to him.

Your vision hazed more as the purple feline walked away and when the walls started closing in that's when you panicked and sobered up.


Horror etched your features.

The person that carried you to that trash compactor wasn't just anyone.

It was Catnap.

You didn't know how to feel about the distant memory that happened not too long ago as you looked at the sleeping feline.

What had really happened all these years ago?

Why had Catnap changed so much?

Why was he acting so strange?

How did the smiling critters die?

Questions swarmed and invaded your thoughts like the plague.

Now that you thought about it Catnap did seem more hostile, more aggressive.

You stood up shakily and you didn't know why but your feet moved on their own and at first you were walking, then you were running, and then sprinting far away from him.

You were kind of far but somehow you still heard him stir but you continued to run until you were in another part entirely.

You looked around.

It was basically a rusted and full of rubble play area and when you looked carefully you saw mini smiling critters.

"Huh." You mumbled as you caught your breath.

Why did you run away from him?

You didn't know why. You just had that gnawing feeling that you should stay far away from him.

While you were lost in your thoughts, you felt something latch to your leg.

Although painless still mighty uncomfortable.

You looked down to see it was mini smiling critter or KickinChicken.

You shook it off of you and continued down the play-place until you found a door.

You walked toward it curiously and was about to open it but you were stopped suddenly by something.

You looked down.

A purple tail that was wrapped tightly around you.

You turned your head so quick, you could've sworn you got whiplash and just as you thought, it was him.


"Why'd you run?" He asked in more of a growl than anything, his voice sounded more raspier than anything.

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