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First day of school. My butler drove me to school. At the back of the limousine, I revised my smile and tones of voice. I made sure my makeup was perfect and that the way I wore my school uniform was fashionable. 

When the limo stopped in front of the school gate, i readied myself as Matsuo opened the door for me. 

I could feel stares on me as I exited the limo elegantly, like royalty. I smoothed out my uniform and grabbed my bag, before waving goodbye to Matsuo. 

"Kiyone-sama. Have a good time," he bowed his head. 

I smiled at him. Matsuo was really useful. He, feeling pity for me, had helped me enter this prestigious school to escape my father for 3 years. 

"Thank you, Matsuo. See you in 3 years." If my father hasn't killed you yet. 

He bowed once more and drove away. 

I turned towards the gate took a deep breath, placed an elegant, perfect, mature smile on my face, and walked towards the opened school gates.

When I reached the class, I went to my seat to place down my bag before heading to a group of girls who seemed like the gyaru type to talk and make friends. 

There was this girl, Karuizawa Kei, who acted really well. She had long blond hair and purple eyes. Other then that, there weren't really other notable people in the group. Sato Maya was a pretty normal girl, Shinohara Satsuki seemed pretty mean to people who weren't her friends, and Mastushita Chiaki seemed significantly smarter than the rest. 


I can't believe my classmates didn't notice the hints Chabashira-sensei dropped. Well, a few did seem suspicious, like my bitchy seatmate Horikita Suzune and Matsushita. Still, it wasn't my problem. If they brought about their own demise, as long as I wasn't affected much, it was fine. 

Then, harem-boy wanted all of us to introduce ourselves. 

"My name's Hirata Yousuke. Back in junior high, lots of people called me Yousuke. Feel free to use my first name! I guess my hobby is sports in general, but I especially like soccer. I'm planning on playing soccer here, too. Nice to meet you!"

Damn, what a great introduction. I knew that many girls would probably aim for him. 

Some other introductions continued. I noticed that this class had many great actresses. 

For example, Kushida Kikyo acted all kind and friendly, but I could sense a little maliciousness behind her words. And Karuizawa, like I mentioned before, introduced herself as someone who loved fashion. People would naturally think that she was those kind of girls who jumped from boy to boy, but I could see that she was faking it all. Matsushita also acted like an average girl, though I could see she was more than she let on from her reaction to sensei's words before. 

Soon, it was my turn. My seatmate and some other people had left. 

I stood up. 

"My name's Ayanokoji Kiyone. I'd say I'm above average in both academics and physical abilities. I love playing the piano and doing calligraphy. Nice to meet you!" I ended off my introduction with a small bow and a smile. 

Third POV

'Damn! Another goddess! First Kushida-chan, now Ayanokoji-chan! Kushida-chan's more of the cute type I love, but Ayanokoji-chan's mature which ain't bad too! Plus, her boobs are almost as big as Kushida-chan's! And isn't she ultra rich too?' Ike thought. 

'As the great Yamauchi, I'm sure the mature, elegant Kiyone-chan will aim for me! Oh, and the cute, friendly, Kikyo-chan too! Damn, I'm in the midst of making my own harem!' Yamauchi thought. 

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