Chptr 4 : Movies 🎞️

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emily's pov :

I wake up to my phone ringing, shit, what time is it, my curtains seem to illuminate more of an afternoon glow rather than the bright morning light. I check my phone, it's 1pm, shit. Lucy called me, 3 times. I open my phone and call her.
"Omg so you are alive then?" she says the second she picks up.
"Dude, way dramatic, it's barely even one" i protest.
"It's still one Em." she says a hint of her motherly attitude laced in her voice.
"Ugh." i can tell she knows i rolled my eyes without even needing to see me. "To be fair, I couldn't sleep for a whiles so." I protest. "How come?" Lucy asks with genuine concern and interest. "I've been having the nightmares again." I reply softly. "Damn, i'm sorry emmy." she replies, her voice like a comforting hug. "Yea it's ok...anywayyyy what time should i come over?" i ask.
"Oh, that's why i was calling actually, we are gonna do it at Phoebe's" she says. My heart flutters slightly and I internally slap myself.
"Oh ok, what time though?" i continue.
"Uhhh just go over there around 4:30. I'll send you her address." she says, i can almost hear a grin in her voice but I brush it off. I'm sure it's nothing.

"Ok, see you later." we say our goodbyes then hang up. I waste a little bit of my time on my phone before i decide to get up. I take a bit cooking breakfast and eating then get up to have a shower. I walk into the bathroom, turn the water on and hop in, once I'm done I get out and wrap myself in a towel, I walk to my closet and pick out an outfit. I grab an oversized band tee and a black leather skirt, I slip on my docs, grab my bag and go to the door. I check my phone, it's 3:45. I grab a faded grey denim jacket and leave. I decide I'm gonna stop to get some snacks to bring with me. I text Lucy asking if there's anything she, or the others want.

emmy : Yo, i'm getting snacks you guys want anything specific?
luce : oh, no get whatever, thank you though :)

I walk into the store and pick out a few things once I'm back in the car i chuck the bag into the passenger seat and pull up Phoebe's address on google maps. I drive around for a little as I'm still quite early then head towards her house. I pull onto the street and park outside the apartment building.

Once i make it to the door, i knock softly and wait. I hear rustling then the door creaks open, Phoebe smiles "Hi!" she says opening the door wider. "Hey, sorry I'm a little early" I say, awkwardly standing there. "It's ok, oh, come in" she says gesturing inside. I step in observing it, simple but nice, i think lucy mentioned she only moved to this apartment about a month or so ago. "Uh... i got some snacks where do you want me to put them" i say after we stare at eachother awkwardly for a few moments. "Oh- you didn't have to do that! But uh follow me" she says as she leads me to the kitchen. Once I put them down, I turn to her, only now taking in how beautiful she looked, even in simple pyjamas, her hair done in two little plaits. Shit, stop thinking like that what the hell. ".... so um the boys will be here in like half an hour or so, lucy said 5:30" she shrugs. "5:30?? she told me to come over at 4:30?!" i say "oh.... well um do wanna sit on the couch and.. chill, i guess, until they get here?" she smiles awkwardly. "yea ok" I say but I don't move, scared I'll somehow offend her. She moves slowly over to the couch and I follow along like a lost puppy. Once we sit down she puts on some random youtube music playlist, for some quiet background noise. I'm grateful for that because otherwise it would be dead silent, amplifying the awkward air that had surrounded us. I pull out my phone to text lucy really quick.

Emily : I'm gonna kill you dude
Lucy : what did i do
Emily : it's so awkward omg, you totally set me up for this
Lucy : .....
Lucy : I just wanted to give you guys some time to get to know eachother that's all
Emily : I know that's slightly bs but I'm choosing to believe you
Lucy : talk to you when I'm there! bye ;)
Emily : bye 😒

I put my phone down and look up at Phoebe. "So...." i say, wanting to say something but not sure of what. "Uh, so what type of movies do you like?" she asks, she's much better at this than I am. "Uh... like romcoms, oh and thrillers... but i honestly just watch whatever I don't really have favourites. I like psychological stuff and documentaries. What about you?" I cringe internally for the way I slightly just rambled. "I- same kinda" she shrugs. "mhm..... so do you have any ones you wanna watch tonight?" I question. "No, not really" she replies. Silence falls over us again, we stare at eachother, she seems to be lost in thought. Lucy talks so highly of her so I hope we can get along, I need more friends. God she's so beautiful, her eyes, so brown and deep, her hair looks so soft, her skin so smooth looking, like an angel, her lips- stop it emily. you can't think like this.

Phoebe's pov :

It's quite awkward between me and emily right now, I think because we are both awkward people, her more so than me. My mind flicks back to the other night, her head on my shoulder, softly breathing in and out, as peaceful as can be. A second later as if she's reading my mind- god i hope not -Emily speaks up. "Sorry about the other night, you know when I fell asleep on you, I was just so tired and-" she starts to ramble but I cut her off "Dude, it's ok, I get it." I smile softly, she opens her mouth to say something then closes it again quickly. I reach my hand out, about to encourage her to talk but a knock on the door interrupts me. I get up and head to the door and open it. Knowing it's Lucy and Julien,

Once i let the boys in I bring them to the kitchen. We grab some snacks and return to emily. "So who wants first pick?" I say looking directly at Emily. "Ooo can i?" She says perking up excitedly. "Mhm" I answer for all three of us. "So what will it be? But i'm a cheerleader?" Lucy says in a sing song voice. "How'd you know?" Emily replies "How did i know?" Lucy giggles then continues. "Apart from you rewatching it atleast a million times, obsessing over the two leads and begging me to watch it at every sleepover when we were young" Lucy answers. "Ok..... so maybe I'm a little obsessed, so what? Have you seen Clea Duvall?" Emily sheepishly replies, buring her face in her hands for a moment before looking up with a cheeky grin. God that smile.... Phoebe stop it.

We all get settled then start watching. Emily was essentially forced by lucy to sit next to me, not that I mind. Half way through we move slightly closer. I see Julien and Lucy giving a sideways glance at us and grinning to eachother, I brush it off as one of their random antics. Once the movie is over Julien begs us to watch 'HyperNormalisation' (iykyk) "It sounds good!" Emily says while me and lucy groan in protest. Emily ends up convincing us saying she owes us.

Julien smiles happily clicking play, very satisfied with herself. Half way through Emily starts yawning which in turn makes me yawn too. She giggles at how dramatic one of them is. "Someone's tired huh?" She pokes me softly with her elbow. "Just a little, it's this doc, it has that affect on me." I reply, shooting a grin at Julien. "Oh so it's not just my calming energy huh? I'm pretty damn peaceful" She says in teasing tone. Was this.... flirting? Possibly. No, why would she flirt with me, she's probably just a naturally playful person..... I realise quickly that I've been staring. "S-sorry, bit too tired to think." I stutter back. She smiles at me tiredly. "I get it." she says softly. Of course she does. I yawn again. "Here." she says patting her lap. "It's quality, I promise." I laugh softly before scooping my legs up onto the couch, resting my head in her lap. She wasn't lying about it being comfortable. My eyes get heavy and the last thing I remember is her brushing a few pieces of my hair behind my ears and whispering "Goodnight lovely."

how is everyone? i hope you're doing good.
holy fuck have i been busy!! when i wrote this i was on a plane with about an hour of sleep in the previous 2 days so i'm sorry if this makes no sense or just is written weird lol.

again hope you're all doing good, stay safe, stay healthy. remember to stay hydrated <33

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