Chptr 5 : dishes

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emily's pov

Once the documentary finishes I get up and let Lucy and Julien know that I'm gonna carry Phoebe to her bed. I pick her up and carry her to her room. A few stray mumbles escape her mouth. I place her down onto her bed and start to tuck her into the covers when she mumbles something. "Yea?" I say softly incase she's still asleep. "Stay here, please" she says sleepily. "Phoebe..." I whisper softly. "Pleaseee" she whines sleepily, before I can protest again she pulls me onto the bed, using her arm to trap me. "phoebe..." I say trying to escape. "nooo, stay here" *she says essentially asleep at this point. Maxine scutters into the room and I sit up slightly. "atleast let me grab the little baby" I say hoping to use this as a chance for freedom, but no. She holds onto my arm surprisingly strong for someone who's basically snoring at this point. I grab Maxine and lie back down. Phoebe pulls us both in. I try to squirm but realise there's no point, plus, I'd never admit this but, I liked this. I liked this alot. Maxine occasionally moves around until comfortable. Phoebe holds me closely as I slowly drift off to sleep.

time skip
~~~~~~~~~~~next morning~~~~~~~~~~~

Phoebe's pov

My eyes slowly flutter open, golden rays of morning light drifting into my room, bathing my eyes in an almost too bright light. I turn expecting an empty bed but when I turn, there she is, in all her beauty, the golden light almost amplifies the way her freckles dance on her cheeks. She somehow looks so freaking peaceful sleeping. Her lips slightly parted and her eyes closed tight. I stare for a moment longer before she gently flutters her eyes open. "Morning" she says in a raspy morning voice. Fuck dude. "Hey?! How'd i manage to get such a pretty girl in my bed?.....I'm talking about Maxine, of course." I flirt.  "Oh yea of course, starting the morning off strong huh? Two pretty girls in your bed...." she trails off, grinning. "Yea i won't deny that it's pretty nice." I grin back. "Wow it's not even 8am and you guys are already flirting." Lucy's groggy voice says from my doorway.  We both turn quickly to look at her, I can tell I'm blushing but I'm unsure about Emily. She sits up, "We were just talking!!" Emily protests. "Yea, yea whatever" Lucy says waving a hand in the air and walking away, leaving a very awkward silence as we turn to look at eachother. "I honestly don't know what she's talking about." i say, laughing awkwardly. We both know it was flirting- well i think we do? After another moment of awkward silence I can hear slightly concerning noises from the kitchen. "I should probably go make sure those heathens aren't burning down my house or something." I say slipping out of bed. "I'll come with, I personally don't feel like burning to a crisp today so that would be greatly appreciated." she jokes, smiling at me and standing up. We walk into the kitchen to a slight chaos. I stand there a little shocked at the sheer amount of mess. "How did you manage to make my kitchen look like a madman came through here with a chainsaw and a bad attitude?" I say with my hand on my hip. Emily giggles at me. "We were trying to make french toast." Julien says looking away from the stove grinning but also slightly apologetic. "Trying?? we did!! well we are!" Lucy exclaims holding up a plate of french toast and gesturing to the frying pan as julien flips another piece. "I didn't even know i had the shit for french toast." I say shrugging as I sit at the counter, Emily hesitates for a moment before taking the seat next to me, i shoot her a small smile and she returns it.

Lucy and Julien finish making the french toast and serve it up. We all sit around the counter enjoying our food. "God damn this is good." Emily says after taking another bite. "Thanks." Julien and Lucy echoed. Once we're all done we all talk for a while before Lucy says she needs to get going which means Julien also has to.

We say goodbye to them before Emily says she'll stay to help clean up and I insist that she doesn't need to but she won't let up. "No please, I wanna help." she says already filling the sink with water to wash up. "But you don't need to." I protest, turning trying to usher her away from the sink. "Too bad, I want to." She says as she starts washing a plate. I sigh in defeat. "Fine but I'm helping." I say grabbing a cloth to dry the clean dishes with.

At one point Emily playfully splashes some water at me so I splash her back, then she splashes me again and I return it again, a little more than intended. "Phoebeeee, I look like i've been swimming!!" she whines holding her shirt out. I giggle a little, a small grin pulling at my lips. "Don't you dare laugh at me." she says pointing a finger at me. I giggle a little more. "Oh you're so dead." she says repeatedly splashing water at me. "Ok, ok ok!! I'm sorryyyy." I say still grinning. She lets out an adorable laugh before she stops splashing me. "Fine but don't think i'm forgetting this." She says grinning too. "Ok but can i truly borrow an old shirt or something because this is quite the uncomfortable feeling." She says pouting a little. "Yea of course, what type of gentlemen would I be if i got a girl soaked but didn't give her a change of clothes?" I say as I quickly walk to my room, grabbing a random shirt and chucking it to her. "No way you just said that." She says laughing. "Can i change in the bathroom?" she asks. I nod. Once she's done changing she comes out. I have to force myself not to show on my face how this makes me feel. Holy hell does she look good in my shirt.


I never know how to end these I'm so sorry lmao. also it's like midnight and i have school so i'm not spell checking this im sorry

I'm gonna try posting the first one shot tmrw maybe!!Anyway hope everyone is doing good <3

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