Chptr 6 : Gay bar

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possible warnings : drinking, character being drunk.

emily's pov

It's been a few weeks since the movie night and the impromptu sleepover at Phoebe's and as much I hate to admit it, I truly can't stop thinking about it, or her for that matter.
I'm sitting on the edge of my bed once again going over the mental image of Phoebe, when my phone buzzes. It's Lucy, I smile and open the message thread.

luce :
heyyy, do you wanna join me and the boys on a night out? we were thinking of going to that one queer bar near mine?
emmy :
oh, sure. I need to get out of the house and it'll be good to see you and the boys again.
luce :
yay!! I didn't think you were gonna say yes.
luce :
we are gonna head to the bar at like... 8:30 so in 30 minutes is that cool with you em?emmy :
yea sounds good, see you then?
luce :
yea, see you then :)


I'm glad i started getting ready straight after Lucy asked me otherwise I would definitely be late. I start my makeup as I look through my closet for something to wear. I pull out a tighter fitting dark red dress. It's a short dress stopping just above mid-thigh, it's got spaghetti straps and is a simple fabric. I slip it and and some sheet tights on. I grab my docs putting them on before I sit and finish my makeup. I grab a small purse, my id, phone, some cash and my keys. I head out the door and start the 10 minute walk to the bar. I've been here with Lucy a few times so I can find it easily. I arrive just as I get a text from Lucy letting me know they're just parking. I stand outside waiting for them. After a few minutes I see them. Phoebe's just slightly ahead of them so she greets me first. "Hi." She says, smiling that pretty smile. Stop it. I internally slap myself once again. "Hey." I reply. We both just stand smiling at eachother for a moment before Lucy and Julien catch up with us. "Hey Em." Lucy says, giving me a side hug. We all greet eachother before going into the bar. Lucy and Julien say they will go find us a table if Phoebe and I get the drinks. We wait at the relatively busy bar, after a little while longer we decide to sit at the last free bar stools as it seems we will be waiting a bit.

I notice Phoebe watching me from the corner of my eye so I turn to look at her, she smiles at me. "You look really good." She says casually. "Th-thank you." I reply, slightly surprised that she was complimenting me. It seems like she thought about what she'd just said, as a light pink blush now appears across her cheeks. "I... sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It's just that—" She pauses for a moment, opening her mouth like she was gonna say something but closing it again. "No, never mind. I'm gonna shut up now before I say anything that would make me even more embarrassed than I am..." She says with a small chuckle. "Phoebe... it's ok, that was sweet. I didn't- I don't find it weird or anything." I smile reassuringly, hoping the blush my cheeks now reflect wasn't too obvious. She smiles timidly before a bartender gets our attention.

It's been about two hours since we arrived and all I've been doing is watching Phoebe and nervously drinking in attempt to calm my nerves but to no avail. At this point I'm slightly buzzed. Julien and I are conversing about a few different things when Lucy gets my attention asking if I want to go dance with her. I quickly finish my conversation with Julien before standing up, taking Lucy's hand she had offered to me. We make our way to the dance floor, I glance back at Phoebe, giving her a subtle smile. I turn to Lucy, "Think I'm gonna get another drink quickly, you want anything?" She shakes her head and says she'll stay there. I walk across the room to the bar, ordering myself a vodka cranberry and a shot of vodka. I down the shot then drink the other drink, more quickly than I'd like to admit. Feeling much less tense I make my way back to Lucy. Joining her in dancing, laughing when she almost trips. Laughing together when we realise a MUNA song is playing, specifically "What I want." I scream the lyrics into Lucy's ear as we laugh and dance together, I steal a glance at Phoebe, seeing an almost... longing look on her face. I smile widely at her and when she realises I'm looking she reciprocates the smile.

Lucy waves both Julien and her over. Both of us having the same idea, pointing at Phoebe- who is now dancing towards us, Julien laughing behind her -as we sing the lyric. "She's dancing to the song, with all her leather on," referring to Phoebe's leather skirt. After a while of shenanigans on the dance floor, Julien and Lucy retreat to the table, leaving me and Phoebe alone. The drink that I all but shotgunned earlier taking my level of inebriation from lightly buzzed to quite frankly drunk as shit. The dance floor is pretty packed so me and Phoebe are already dancing quite close but now that I've got extra confidence I step closer to her, swaying my hips to the music. I giggle at Phoebe's expression. We eventually make our way back to the table, me stumbling every which way, Phoebe thankfully there to help. "Can we go homeee." I say to no one in particular. "You ready to go huh?" Lucy says, laughing a little at the way my words slur. "yesss." I sigh. Phoebe offered to help me home as she was also ready to go. "You sure?" Lucy tripple checks as we are saying goodbye.

The two of us walked out of the bar, I stumble a bit, Phoebe putting her arms around me to help me stabilise. We start to walk back to my apartment, I vaguely recall that Lucy had given Phoebe the directions. After a little while, I asked if we could stop at a bench that was infront of us on the sidewalk. We were there long enough for me to sober up enough to be a little less wobbly, we both decided to get on with the walk home. We didn't have too far of a walk at this point but me still being inebriated made it a little more difficult. Eventually, we arrived. Phoebe helps me up the stairs and into my apartment.

"Sit down." She says as she sits me on the couch. "I'm gonna get you water ok?" I nod, staring at her. She walks across the room to my kitchen, opening the fridge to inspect the contents. "Why is it essentially empty in here?" She calls out before grabbing a bottle of water and walking back to me. "Let's get you into bed yeah?" I take a sip of water before smiling at her. "Mhm, bed would be nice." I stand up, a little too fast for my own good, she quickly puts her hand on my lower back to help me. I blush a little. "T-thanks." She smiles awkwardly before directing me to where I had pointed when she asked which room my bedroom was. I stumble into bed, toeing my shoes off before slipping my legs under the sheets. Phoebe awkwardly stands beside the bed looking at me. I'm about to say something when a loud blaring car horn outside on the street startles me. "Fuck!" I yelp, cowering into myself. "You good?" She says looking at me. "Y-yea I-" I hiccup. "-I'm ok." She stands there for a moment before speaking "I should-" I accidentally cut her off  "Phoebe, will you stay?" I realise she was trying to say something. "Oh shit sorry." "No it's all good, I'll stay." She says softly giggling. She slips her shoes off before hesitantly slipping into the empty space on my bed. I gently lay my head on the pillow, looking up at her as I hiccup a few times, still slightly intoxicated. She lays her head on the pillow across from mine. "Goodnight." She says softly. "goodnight." I reply. The last thing I see before I close my eyes is her face, her beautiful face.


A/N !

hiii, I'm finally updating this story (i'm sorrryyy) I have had the worst writers block lately but I finally pushed through it to give y'all something during this damn hiatus. I'm sorry if this chapter is shit, it's kinda a filler chapter to move the story along. Next chapter will be a little more... interesting...
Anyways I'll quit yapping, hope you're doing well :))

p.s tysmmm for all the votes and stuff :D

p.s p.s don't be a silent reader, pls lemme know what u think <33

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