03 the darkness inside.

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Present day storybrooke Maine Lana's pov. Lana rolled her eyes annoyed as she watched Regina and Emma  Emma of course was doing all the talking since Lana still had Regina's voice hidden away somewhere safe. Lana rolled her eyes annoyed as she once again heard one of the words she hated the most Valentine's Day. Lana groaned and waved her hand disappearing in a puff of smoke and reappearing where zelena was hey Lana happy". Zelena started to say before Lana cut her off don't you dare say that word or I swear I'll kill you right here and right now Zelena". Lana replied. Geez Lana calm down". Zelena said to Lana. Don't tell me to calm down zelena". Lana replied. Lana rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch annoyed as heck. I hate Valentine's Day but this stupid day does help bring out the darkness inside me". Lana muttered to herself. No really this day brings out the darkness inside of you Lana"? Zelena said sarcastically to Lana. Don't be sarcastic with me zelena". Lana said to zelena annoyed. Fine whatever do you still have my half sister's voice Lana"? Of course I still have Regina's voice it's hidden away somewhere safe zelena". Lana replied. 

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