04 your worst nightmare.

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Present day storybrooke Maine Lana's pov. Lana smirked as she watched Emma and Regina even now Emma was still doing all the talking. Lana rolled her eyes as Emma approached her what do you want Emma"? Lana asked annoyed. I want you to please give Regina her voice back". Emma replied. Lana hmm let me think about that". Lana said pretending to think about giving Regina her voice back yeah no". Lana replied. You're evil Lana". Emma said to Lana. Oh I know honey but than again I'm the daughter of gold and maleficent what did you expect"? For me to be all sunshine and rainbows unicorns and puppies"? Lana said sarcastically. I've faced multiple villains before and defeated them Lana what makes you think you'll be any different"? Emma asked Lana. Because honey I'm not just a villain I'm your worst nightmare". Lana replied. I doubt it". Emma replied. Oh honey underestimating me will be the worst mistake you ever make". Lana said to Emma. Now I'd love to stay and chat but I've got places to be and people to meet toodles". Lana said waving her hand and disappearing in a puff of smoke. 

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