Chapter 1 °intro°

351 12 1

TW: Knives ~ !cutting food!


Beep beep beep!

Screamed my alarm, to which I very drowsily and clumsily turned off. With a small groan, I rolled onto my back in my bed. Staring blankly at the ceiling above, the wood decorated a pretty red color by the LED lights I have in, just about, every room. I sigh, and finally sit up with a stretch after pondering mindlessly, and let the tiredness subside as I go to the kitchen.

I started myself coffee; plugged the kettle in, poured the water, now I just wait for the helpful brew to steam hot. While I wait, I decide on breakfast. A simple bowl of my favorite cereal with a side of apple slices.

Chop.. chop.. Chop.

The faint sound of the knife hitting the cutting-board was really all I was focusing on, well, until I heard my kettle steam almost comically. I set the knife down, and walked over to the stove. I poured the steaming coffee into my personalized mug, and added the normal necessities to it. After which, I tiredly waddled my way back to the apples and cereal I was still preparing.


I sipped my coffee, not glancing from the book in my hands as I'm eating breakfast. An adventure book, about people traveling different universes and worlds- not usually my go-to type of story, but I suppose it's intriguing..


I settle myself into the bathroom, brushing my disheveled hair and making sure my robe and towel are on standby. I turn the water on, the hot steam filling the air with a comforting musk. I stripped, and stepped into the shower, closing its door behind me. The morning light streaming into the bathroom from the window. It's like a warm blanket against the wintery air.

I allow the hot water to trickle from my scalp to the shower floor, its heat embracing me so wonderfully it's practically intoxicating. It numbs any chill I've once had from the cold air, making me audibly sigh in relief. I do my usual shower routine; shampoo, conditioner, wash my body, scrub, shave, and finally out. I grab my robe and towel, towel wrapping around my hair and robe embracing my warm body, it's rope squeezing gently at my waist.

I blew out my candles that I had lit, the scent of vanilla and oak reminiscing in the bathroom. I step out of the bathroom, to be greeted by my very happy pet; Bunny, a dog. She's a German Shepherd, Australian Shepherd - mix. Why is she called Bunny? Well, she jumps and digs... a lot. She also has a taste for carrots that I grow in my garden.

I get dressed, wearing my got-business-to-do outfit since I have plenty of errands to run today.

I make myself another coffee after I get dressed, needing the extra in my pep- especially today, I have bills to pay after all. I pet Bunny, my dog, and give her a small goodbye. I grabbed my needed belongings, such as my car keys, coffee, that adventure books, then finally stepped out of my home.

I walked down the fairy-like stone path of my residence, and opened the door to my garage. I got into my car, settled my things down carefully then started playing my favorite band on the stereo. I slipped the bass up a notch, just for when the beats are extra dramatic.


Turns out I'm not going anywhere, afterall. My car broke down, turns out the engine overheated. I walked around the personal vehicle of mine, seeing the bit of steam leaking from the car caused me to sigh in irritation which the car-repair company employee I've called, scoff.

"Alright, our boys will be there in 45 minutes or so. Hang tight, will yah?"

The man hung up after saying this, making me grumble as the sassiness wasn't something I took lightly. To make matters worse, my car is slanted- one wrong touch, and it's slipping into a weird looking creek to the side of the wooded road. My book and purse have already fallen into it, so I should probably go get them..

I walked my way down to my book and purse in the creek, pulling my pant-legs to my knees so they won't get wet. I managed to get my purse, so I set that aside on a boulder sitting in the warm sun. I walk further into the water, the current noticeably a bit stronger here in the middle of the creek.

That's when a faint rainbow glow emitted from the book, causing me to hesitate and get distracted. My foot slipped on a mossy, wet rock, causing me to lose balance and I fell. A yelp escaped my lips as I fell backwards into the gently rushing water, my eyes just catching a faint glimpse of something of neon color rising out of the book before I fell unconscious.


Word count; 824.

Hallo, Schatz ❤️
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