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So.. it's been about a week since the universes got here. Like Royalty!Wally has promised, my land has been expanded. Dramatically.

I've noticed that most, if not all, the Wally!Au's tend to argue, bicker if you will, a very fair amount.. I've noticed specifically they do this with RF!Wally, the tall scientist one with a mechanical hand. Opposite, one of the many vibrant redheads, tends to call him a 'daughterless + wifeless failure' but I've managed to calm that down... somehow? Yet, in general, all the Wally's are different. Most just share appearance and the love for apples. They're quite unique, actually.

So far, my favorite is Sightless!Wally, Original!Wally, and a few others. Speaking of which, I'm with Sightless!Wally right now! We're hanging out- I somehow convinced him to do arts and crafts with me. I'm making valentine's bracelets, and he's.... Being himself. He got frustrated with his craft, so he's strangling a teddy bear. Again.


"Sightless, Sweetie... this is the third time- do you need help?"

I say softly, the lingering tone of both amusement and concern in my voice.

"Absolutely not, I can do this without your help."

He huffed, throwing the poor teddy bear at a wall and just angrily taking a sip out of his water bottle.

He turned to face me, "I'm grown!" He made sure to comment. Looking at him, I noticed a bit of the water slipped onto his lip and chin. I reach up, cautiously, and use my thumb to wipe away the excess water.

Sightless, on instinct it seems, grabs my wrist with a grasp not even the force of tunsten could compare too, and stiffened.

"What were you doing.." He growls in a gravelly voice. "You had a bit on water on you, I was just trying to wipe it away." I say calmly, and let his grip stay on my wrist. "I'll ask next time before I touch you, I forgot that some people may not like that.. I'm sorry, Sightless."

He seems slightly taken aback, a small gap in his lips as he sharply inhaled at me response. He stiffens a bit before practically throwing my wrist to the side and looking away. "Whatever..."

I heard him mumble, and I glanced down to the valentine's day bracelets I'm making. I grab one- it's red, white, with a bit of pastel purple and a small star charm. I hand it to him, and he takes it cautiously.

"What's this for?"

"A valentine's day gift, silly"

"I'm not much of a bracelet person.."

"Oh... I'll give it to someone else then-"

"No, fuck off it's mine!"

And with that, he protectively places it's on his wrist and holds his wrist under his little shirt accessory, no clue what it's called! And just keeps his wrist there.

"So sweet"

I mutter sarcastically. Grabbing the rest of the many, many bracelets I've made for the Au's. One for each, and every, single... one.. my fingers hurt.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go around and give all the Wally's their bracelets! Wanna help?"

I say with a friendly smile as I stood up off Sightless' bed, grabbing one of the three boxes that held these bracelets.

"I.. guess? You can't exactly do this yourself."

He shrugs, grabbing the other boxes and stands up as well. I nod with a soft smile, and happily waddled myself out of the room. We make out ways throughout the "dorms" as RF!Wally refers to the Au's personal rooms and all that good stuff. We stop by BeachTown! Wally's first, then Originals, Opposite, Grayscale, Killer, Butcher and Swan. Butcher tormenting Swan!Wally by eating duck in front of him... again.

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