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Warnings: Torture, authority manipulaton, kidnapping, violently explicit content.

Angst?! 😱 Two in a row 😱 apologies :)

Fluff has receded and will for a very long time. Sorry pookies


“No, Grayscale get down from the counter-” Hastily picking him up, you hold him in your arms. His body is tense and quivering, crying into your shoulder. “Stop crying,” Opposite scoffed, flicking Grayscales forehead which only made the upset Wally cry more. “Opposite!” I retorted, glaring at the vibrant red head. “Shut up!” He yelled back towards me.

........(GS is such a cutie patootie 💕).......

“So, what happened?” RF asked you.

“He yelled at me.” You calmly respond.

Opposite is on the floor coughing, holding his throat with his hand as strained sobs leave his lips. “You- you fucking punched me!” “and? You yelled at me.” Rf just sighs, flicking my forehead with his mechanical hand. “Ow!? Bitch!” You yelped, holding your now bloodied forehead.

“Oh shit- shit I didn’t mean to flick you that hard!” RF said, choking back a laugh as his eyes widen and he pries my hands from my forehead, looking at the bloodied mess he caused. He grins with his widened eyes finally, looking way into his shoulder as he continues to choke that laugh of surprise away. “I’ll get you a bandaid-” he leaves without another word, although you can finally hear him let out that suppressed chuckle in the hall.

Shortly, he returns with a small tan bandaid and slaps that thing unnecessarily hard onto your wound. “Here, egg.” “Egg?” “Egg.” “That’s a bandaid, idiot.” “I know, I wasn’t calling the bandaid an egg, I was calling you one.” “...Why-” “You look like an egg.” “Fuck you!” You send a slap back his way- equal rights equal fights, after all.

He grunts, pushing you away with his metallic forearm. “You actually suck-” “Not you, I’m better than that-.” You scoffed, but yelped once you felt odd hands on your arms from. “Damn, what’s got you so jumpy?” Voodoo!Wally hummed, rubbing your arms gently from behind.

“That gay whore,” You point to RF, and he slaps your hand away. “I’m going to dox you and I will not regret it.” You grumbled, turning your back to the scientist and facing VD. “What do you want? My soul? We talked about this, you aren’t getting it.”

“Not your soul, it’s just.. A few of us were speaking-” “Oh, cool? You can talk!?” I fakely gasp, placing my hands on my mouth as I let my mouth sarcastically hang open a bit. “I didn’t know that!” “...You’re fucking stupid—” He shoves me away, glaring at me as he motions for me to come along. I just nod and follow the Voodoo man…

We walk outside and near the tree line before he stops and turns to me. He grins at me before a flash of bright pink crosses his eyes and I hear pounding footsteps behind me, then feel something blunt and hard hit my head.

The world falls dark, pain seeping through my unconscious body.

When I wake, I open my eyes and it reveals the surrounding area of concrete; pipes, dust, blood, ropes and moldy, rotting corpses line the walls. I look up slowly, seeing the bright red light I am suspended under. The chair is wooden, ropes cling tightly to my bruising flesh excessively tightly any move I make shall twist a bone and spew blood.

I cringe, feeling the impounding headache crawl from the back of my head down to the tips of my spine. I look back down quickly, only to have the overwhelming urge of bile that slithers into my throat. I gag, but do not vomitate. My breathing heaves and holds as I look at the footsteps shimmy their way down the stairs- eight repetitive footsteps, four people.

I blink lazily, mouth slightly open as I exhale my throbbing breath. My bent over body moves up and down like a bobble head as I breathe so deep. It’s Priest, Voodoo, Lovesick and- a figure with a house for a head. He’s the tallest, or- it is the tallest.

“My Divine.” Spoke Priest, a grimacing expression on his scarred face. “You have betrayed me. My God.” He sighs, walking over to the side and grabbing a sharp, pointed cross. “What…? No- you forced to-” I speak with a trembling voice, tears threatening my hazy eyes.

“Priest I didn’t mean to harm-” “Silence.” The house person spoke up, waving a large hand in Priests’ direction. I glance at Voodoo, and Lovesick. WHo both seem confused, like the type of confusion that you were being yelled at for doing something you thought was right.

“Priest..” Lovesick speaks up, shakily making his way over to the cultist. “You said you weren’t going to hurt neighbor..” “I’m not.” He sighs, walking over to the house figure. “My Lord, Home, is going to correct neighbor, is all.” He hands the cross to ‘Home.’

Home walks over to you, Lovesicks and Voodoos eyes widen, and Priest tries to reassure them that this isn’t what they think it is, it won’t be harmful to you.

A correction won’t be harmful.

You look up at the looming figure, it holds the cross to your left eye.

“You’re Home?” I weakly say, trembling as tears fall like rivers.

“Yes, I am your Lord.”

“You’ve never been my Lord, Home.”
“That’s blasphemy, my child.” They plunge the cross into my left eye in calculation, piercing only the top of my eye. A blood curdling scream of agony leaves my lips but it is soon shut by the creature's hand on my neck, choking my screams away.
“Quiet.” They demanded.

They finally yank it out from your eye, blood splashed on both you and them. You felt odd, there was pain, but you couldn’t express it. Your head hurts, your eye hurts, there was blood, and so much of it. But, you can't scream, and you once more speak weakly.

“What… what did you do to me.” You gagged, spitting out blood that continuously pools in your mouth. “A lobotomy.” They calmly say, placing a hand over your face, engulfing it. “With no emotion, you will see no wrong, speak no wrong, and hear no wrong. You will be my Priest(ess), {Y/N}.”

“I will never serve you, Thuis..” You mutter, biting into the  creature's hand to which it yelps, and squeezes its hand around your skull. The pain sinks in, and even now you screamed in pain- the horror of your skull crushing under Homes very fingertips.

“Goodnight, you witch.” Home hissed, closing his palm, and you fell limp into the chair. Home rips his hand from your head, throwing its remains to the floor. Lovesick, Voodoo, even Priest were in disbelief, Voodoo and Lovesick starting yelling profanities as they ran over, Priest quickly ran out of the isolated area and to the others, gaining RF in the process. Gradually, your body was pulled from the basement, blood soaked everything that touched you.

“What have you done..” Priest spoke calmly, but with worry, to Home. “You said you wouldn’t hurt-” “Questioning me, are we?” Home bit at Priest, leaning down to him as if Priest were a mere peasant. “..No.. no my Lord.. apologies.” Priest sighed, glancing as your body was ripped from reality and into a portal Hunter!Wally created to RF’s universe. “My poor Divine..” he whispers, making his way to the portal.


No, I don't feel sorry for Opposite. I have a personal grudge against him idk why 😄💕

I'm just a girl lma


Ich liebe dich, meins Lieblings' ❤️

{If you have requests for a story/ short clips for any au, go to the first introduction and I will make you that one shot! :) anyways bye bye!!}

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