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I walk to RF’s room, heaving strained breaths from still being injured. With a sharp huff, I manage to grab the book that’s oh-so dear to the AU’s and shove the son-of-a-bitch up my shirt to hide it. Quickly, I rush up to my own room, slamming the door behind me so hard it makes the objects on my desk and shelf threateningly wiggle at me. I cringe at the ringing noise I gain in my left ear from being so loud.

I flop onto my bed, readjusting my blankets as I shine my bed-lamp in my direction. I open the book, and settle into it..

[Narration for book.]

“I can’t believe you, Yazmin.” Berry sobbed, tugging on the baffled womens shirt. Yazmin looks down at the weeping figure, flabbergasted. “You’re going to die!” An angry Sully scolded.

“I’m sorry.” Was all the woman had to say, a glint of sun beaming off a tear that raced down her tan cheek. “I had no choice, he would’ve killed the pastor! You must-” Sully fumes, interrupting the diverted woman. “That pastors’ life isn’t worth yours! He is nothing but a cultist!”

“That cathedral meant so much to him! I don’t care if I get ruined, as long as Thuis is okay!” The conflicted woman stepped away, flinching as the spoken-of man places Priestess’s robes on her shoulder. “Here, my forbidden fruit.” He plants his hand on Yazmins waist, tugging her closer to the Church. “It’s time to prepare for the evening ceremony. Let us go.”

As Sully, Berry, and so many of the copies wept or scolded in sorrow due to their loss of such a precious soul, only one stood there. Watching Yazmin get tugged away by the leader of a corrupted religion.
Waldece spoke, shoving his way through the crowd till his steel-grip landed on Yazmins forearm.

“No, You cannot go! I refuse to lose yet another person, Yazmin!”
Waldece yanks her close, grabbing the priestess robe and ripping it with nothing but nails, then tossed its remains at Thuis. This makes others stare through their slick eyes, another walking up behind Thuis and placing bounding cuffs on him.

“No- no! My dear priestess, you’re truly going to let these fools corrupt your beliefs of me- our God?!”

“You were never my God, Thuis.”

[End of book narration.]

You were never my God, Thuis.” Those words ache in your mind, heart, and soul as you stared uneasily at the book in your hands. “Thuis..” You whispered out loud, and for some reason, that word lingered familarily on your tongue. “Isn’t that Dutch?” “I believe so, yes.” An oh-so familiar bitter voice sounded, the tone echoing off the walls and deep into your being.

“It's not nice to steal,” RF sighed, walking over to you. “Technically you took it from me first, but whatever.” You close the book after placing its string onto its page. You shift and sit up in your bed, getting a better view of the scientist.

“Don't care. Once I hold it, I refer to it as mine.”

“Remember when we first met and you kept me on your shoulder-”

“You, too. Unfortunately, I consider you my problem.”

“How… sweet?”  You shrug, but hide the book once Rf attempts to snag the object. “No! I’m reading this, you overgrown furry!” “Furry? Oh, c’mon you’re being ridiculous! Give me the book now.”

That Book. (Wally Darling AU's x reader!)Where stories live. Discover now