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"Is she dead?"

"No! She has a pulse."

"Do I need to give her CPR again?"

"No, I should do that!"

Multiple voices charmed, all sounding similar yet different in multiple ways. My eyes slowly flutter open, onto to be face to face with many eyes peering down on me from above. I yelped, and instinctively slapped them all away as I scurry in a panic onto my feet.

"Excuse y-"

Said a blurting male voice, before I interrupted him.

"Who are you?!"

I exclaimed in an airy voice, panting of panic. I reached for my purse, but a.. Man?? Grabbed it. He has a dark blue button down on, with white trim. Black khakis and dress shoes, as well as rainbow suspenders.

"Nuh uh, lady.. Say thank you for the fact we even saved your life- normally, we'd leave you to die.."

The man scoffed, snarky with his remark.


I questioned, then remembered back. My car- oh no my car!

I look up at the hill, my car gone and tire tread marks in the dirt.

"Gosh fucking damnit!"

I groaned in irritational agony, and sprinted quickly up the hill- hoping, praying that the car company had only taken my car, and not some rando high-jacking it or it getting towed. The "others'' followed behind, which made the gravel below shake like a stampede was near. It was unsettling to say the least.


A sweet, monotonous voice spoke up. Coming from about a 3 ft man with a hairdo like a cinnamon bun, a blue cardigan with yellow trim, and rainbow khakis. A small red ribbon tied on his neck. The little man stood beside me, a cat-like smile etched into his face but his eyes are clear in both confusion, and concern. His hands are clasped together.

"My car.. It broke down earlier, and I guess it got towed or something..." I sigh, holding the sides of my head in frustration. "I have no clue how I'm going to get home now.."

The men all muttered at once, or signed. I look back, seeing only now just how many there are.
"Lord all mighty, there's so many of you-"

I yelped, covering my mouth with my hand in surprise.

"No shit, sherlock"

A smug, overconfident voice spoke up. A man, with a purple cardigan and red swirly hair, kinda like the smaller 3ft 'version' of him in general, just the opposite of the little blue-haired man.

"Aren't you just a bundle of joy."

I scoffed while rolling my eyes.

"I suppose... it was very enticing to meet you fellows... but I've gotta get home now- bye bye!"

I turned on my heel, the crunching of the gravel below giving away my quickening steps as I hastily wandered away from them to get to the safety of my home.. It's only when I heard the churn of multiple footsteps against the gravel road is when I felt a metal-like hand yank me from behind.

"Absolutely not.. Not on your own, anyways. You either bring us with you, or I turn you into the prettiest yet most dreadful shade of red. I'm sure you'd glitter."

A cold, almost protruding sounding voice spoke. The metal claw belonging to a large version of the other tree, only scarier and way.. way bigger. At least 7 ft tall!

That Book. (Wally Darling AU's x reader!)Where stories live. Discover now