Fate: Oakley

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A few moments later the girls had arrived and after we celebrated a bit we made a plan for me to tell Sky that I was pregnant. We decided that I get some baby stuff, put it in a box and let him open the box.
Later in the day I got all the stuff, and my pregnancy test, Stella organised it all and I sat on his bed with the box in my hands. Sky walked in, stood infront of me and then he saw the box.
"Hey Bubs, what's that box for?"- Sky
"It's for you"- YN
I gave him the box and he opened it. As soon as he did he burst into happy tears and picked me up with my legs round his waist and my arms over his shoulders.
"Omg your pregnant?, I'm so happy, there's going to be a little mini us"- Sky
"Yeah I'm 2 months already, due in June"- YN
"Do-do you know the gender yet?"- Sky
"No I'm getting the scan later today at 12.23pm"- YN
Sky kissed my forehead and we waited until 12.23pm. When the time came we went to see Terra because she agreed to be my midwife and she started the scan.
"OK, I think from what I'm seeing that it's a girl"- Terra
"Omg a little baby girl"- Sky
"Yeah and she's due on the 2nd of July"- Terra
4 months later I was 6 months pregnant and the baby bump was pretty big. I was in my dorm laying on my bed and Sky was sitting on the chair next to me.
"Omg Sky!! She's kicking"- YN
Sky rushed over and put his hand on my belly.
"Jeez, she's going to be a good fighter then"- Sky
"I wonder if she'll have Fairy Magic"- YN
There was a knock at our door and it was Terra.
"Hey YN, just coming to ask how you wanted to deliver your baby. Like your birth plan?"- Terra
"Oh yeah we planned it yesterday, its a water birth in my bedroom"- YN
"OK that's fine, if you feel like your going into early labor, wait about an hour or two and if you feel like the labor is progressing just call me"- Terra
"Okay thanks Terra"- Sky
Terra left then I cuddled up to Sky and we was chatting about baby names.
2 months later I was 8 months and 4 weeks pregnant and it was June 22nd and the time was 11.12am. I was laying in bed then I got a small mild cramp feeling in my lower stomach.
Sky saw i was in a bit of pain so he came over to me to see if I was OK.
"Bubs are you OK?"- Sky
"Mhm, just got this small cramp, it doesn't hurt though"- YN
"Let's keep an eye on it just incase it's what Terra was telling us about"- Sky
About 22 minutes later another one came.
"I think this is early labor now"- YN
"Do you want me to start timing them?"- Sky
"Yeah, start at the next one"- YN
"Okay Bubs, just let me know when I can start timing it"- Sky
"Mhm I will"- YN
Another 20 minutes had passed and another contraction came.
"Sky..."- YN
"Okay got it"- Sky
Sky came over to me and rubbed my back as the contraction continued.
"Just breathe Bubs, it's nearly done"- Sky
"Okay, it's done, how long was it?"- YN
"It was 90 seconds long"- Sky
"Mhm...Sky maybe you should call Terra now"- YN
"OK Bubs"- Sky
Sky called Terra and she picked up.
"Hey Sky what's up?"- Terra
"I think YN may have gone into labor because she's been having that pain every so often for about an hour"- Sky
"OK I'll come over and start to set up the pool and I'll bring Musa too"- Terra
"Thanks"- Sky
Sky hung up and came back over to me.
"Are you OK Bub?"- Sky
"Yeah, I'm okay how are you?"- YN
"Yeah I'm excited if today is the day, Terra is on her way with Musa"- Sky
"Okay thanks baby"- YN
10 minutes later Terra and Musa came into the dorm and knocked on my door. Sky opened it and let them in. As I was laying on my bed, Musa came over and gently stroked my hair and held my hand while Sky helped Terra set the stuff up.
"Are you excited?"- Musa
"Yeah definitely"- YN
About 20 minutes later the pool was filled and Terra was monitoring my pulse and Sky was holding my hand as the contractions were getting much worse.
"Are you feeling OK?"- Terra
"Yeah not bad yet but it hurts more now"- YN
Later, I was kneeling on the floor with my head resting on my bed while Sky and Musa held one hand each and Sky rubbed my back. Then a contraction came that stood out a bit more than the others. I groaned in pain and as Sky was holding one of my hands, he stroked the back of it too.
"Breathe Bubs, your doing so well"- Sky
"Your doing great"- Musa
I sighed in relief as the contraction eased and smiled at Sky, kissing his cheek.
"Do you want some pain meds yet YN before they get worse?"- Terra
I nodded and Terra gently put a cannula in the back of my hand and connected it to some medication. My contractions were 8 mins apart, I was 7cm dialated and I moved so I was in the pool. I was kneeling down and my head was on the edge of the pool. Sky put his forehead against mine and Musa and Sky were still holding my hands as I was shaking a bit.
"It hurts"- YN
"I know Bubs, your doing so well though just breathe through it"- Sky
"We're so proud YN"- Musa
-another contraction comes-
"Guys... another contraction"- YN
I groaned in pain and then Sky put his forehead against mine while holding one of my hands and looking at me.
"Hey, look at me, just breathe it's ok"- Sky
"Your doing so well"- Musa
"Your 9cm now YN we're so proud of you"- Terra
A few minutes later I was 10cm dialated.
"OK YN your 10cm now, so when you have your next contraction push whenever your ready ok?"- Terra
I nodded and stayed facing Sky and Musa and stayed kneeling down. Sky and Musa held my hands and Sky kissed my forehead. I was in unbearable pain and the contractions were getting worse and I cried in pain but Sky and Musa were really supportive because they could see the amount of pain I was in.
"Oww Terra I can't wait anymore"- YN
"That's okay YN, give us a really big push"- Terra
I pushed really hard when Terra said and sqeezed Sky and Musa's hands and rested my forehead on Sky's shoulder as I was pushing.
"Just breathe now YN that was perfect"- Terra
"Good girl Bubs, I'm so proud of you"- Sky
"That was great YN"- Musa
I smiled at both of them but another contraction came, I groaned in pain, put my head back on Sky's shoulder and I pushed again at the contraction.
"Owww"- YN
"I see the head your doing amazing... push again"- Terra
"That's it YN"- Musa
I pushed again and felt the head moving down.
"Oww it hurts"- YN
"Its fine YN the heads just coming down, but you need to push the rest of the head out now"- Terra
I pushed really hard and I could feel the head crowning slowly and painfully emerging out.
"Come on Bubba she's coming out, your doing so well"- Sky
I pushed again and I felt the head finally pop out, I cried out in pain and put my head back on Sky's shoulder. Sky rubbed my back and then held my hand as i squeezed it in pain. Musa was getting worried as she could sense the amount of pain I was in.
"YN stop pushing for me and just breathe okay? The shoulders need to come out next, so you can turn over onto your back if it's easier?"- Terra
I turned over onto my back and I layed my head onto Sky's shoulder and he held my hand along with Musa.
"YN, big push again now"- Terra
I pushed again and sqeezed their hands. Then I stopped pushing because it hurt so much and I let my head go back onto Sky's shoulder as I was exhausted.
"Shoulders are nearly out, only a few more pushes now YN"- Terra
"I-I can't, I can't do it anymore, it hurts"- YN
The pain was agonising and Sky could see I was getting tired and exhausted.
"I know your getting tired Bubs but you can do it, your the strongest person ever, I know you can do this."- Sky
"Just a few more YN, you've got this"- Musa
I took a deep breath and pushed as much as I could but after, all three of them could see that I couldnt push anymore so Terra guided the baby out gently and layed her on the crop top I was wearing. I started crying in happiness and I let go of Sky and Musa's hands to hold the baby with my shaking hands and then Sky kissed my cheek and then held the baby's hand too.
"Omg, Hi baby"- YN
"Congratulations YN... the time is 11.43pm on the 23rd of June you did amazing and you were in labor for 12 hours"- Terra
"Omg 12 hours, it was worth it though she's so cute"- YN
"Hey baby girl"- Sky
"What's her name going to be, is it the one I think it is going to be?"- Musa
"Yep, Oakley Rose Silva"- YN
Later, after Terra and Musa left, I was cleaned up, in comfortable clothes, everything was put away and I was sitting on my bed with Oakley gently rocking her as she was sleeping.
"Do you want to hold her Sky?"- YN
"I'd love to"- Sky
I gently passed her over to Sky and and he cradled her in his arms and he was crying happy tears. Then there was a knock at the door so Sky handed me Oakley and opened the door. It was Riven. Sky hugged him then he came over to Oakley and me, kissed my forehead and was so excited to see Oakley and you could tell he wanted to hold her.
"Omg she's adorable"- Riven
"Yeah she is do you want to hold her?"- YN
Riven nodded excitedly, sat on my bed and I gave Oakley to him. He loved her to bits and I sniffled.
"She looks like you YN"- Riven
"And she has Sky's eyes"- YN
Riven's phone chimed and it was Saul calling a meeting so Riven gave Oakley back to me and walked out.
"I feel shattered now and I'm so tired"- YN
"Yeah I bet you are... You did so well Bubs, how about you go to sleep now and get some rest?"- Sky
"Yeah okay, what about Oakley?"- YN
"Well she's asleep so I'll sit on your beanbag and keep an eye on her in the night"- Sky
"Are you sure babe?"- YN
"Yeah definitely i haven't got training for the next few weeks so i dont need the rest"- Sky
Sky moved the beanbag next to my bed and I fell asleep watching Sky and Oakley.

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