Sidemen: Charity Match

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Today was the day everyone on YouTube was waiting for... The Sidemen Charity Match. As I was part of the Sidemen, I was the only girl on the pitch, which I feel proud of. Ethan said he was walking onto the pitch with Olive (nearly 1) and asked if I'd walk out with Piper who was 1 and 5 months old now, of course I said yes. I'd also recently come back after shoulder surgery as I have a condition that's makes my right shoulder dislocate as the joints are weak. Harry and I are now engaged, Ethan is still my brother, Chris MD is my best friend and Callux is my other best friend. We were all in the changing room getting ready when Callux sat next to me.
"Hey, how you doing?"- Lux
"So excited, it feels good to be back"- yn
"Let's see if we can get you to score"- Lux
"That would be amazing"- yn
"Oh, we're going to the pitch now, let's go!"- Lux
"Yayy!"- yn
"Yn!"- Harry
"Babe!"- yn
"Good luck, aww look at Piper"- Harry
"Yeah she's excited"- yn
"Is your shoulder okay?"- Harry
"Painful but I wanna play"- yn
"Remember, your safety first"- Harry
"Yeah, love you"- yn
"Love you too Bub"- Harry
We all got to the tunnel, I was behind Ethan we were both holding our babies ready to go onto the pitch, then we started walking out. It was surreal. 60,000 people cheering their hearts out.
We all lined up then the YouTube All Stars made their way down to us fir handshakes. As Chris is my best friend, he gave me a hug. After we shook hands with everyone, Ethan and I gave our babies to Faith and Talia, got back into position, watched Willne slide kick into the little robotic car, banter, then Simon kicked the ball.

The first half was so intense with Theo going off by stretcher and great goals were being scored. It was the 44th minute when Tobi passed me the ball, I raced to the goal and booted the ball. Everything seemed to go silent until it was broken by the loaded uproar of cheers as the ball ascended into the top left corner, all the boys ran to my side hugging me in pure celebration. It was the best feeling ever. We had half time and got back into it.

Second half was the best especially by Manni getting a hatrick, Max Fosh pulling out the uno reverse card when getting a yellow card, and the best part HARRY SCORING HIS FIRST GOAL IN THE CHARITY MATCH!!!
It was the best I jumped onto his back in celebration and kissed his cheek gently.

Then we got a free kick, I was marking Niko as Simon stepped up to the ball, he kicked it and as I jumped Niko and I collided sending me to the floor and my shoulder re-dislocating. It was agony, I groaned in pain as Harry knelt down next to me while the others were calling for the medics. The pain was unreal, Chris and Callux were also at my side. At this point I had tears in my eyes as the pain grew.
"Bub, look at me"- Harry
"Ah, it fucking hurts so bad!"- yn
"The medics are here"- Lux
"Yn, tell us what happened"- Medic
I was in too much pain to speak, Harry held my right arm and hand trying to stop me moving it and Chris was holding my other hand while Callux told the medics what happened.
"She was marking Niko and they collided, she went down then I'm taking it her shoulder popped out"- Lux
"Yn, do you think you can get up?"- Medic
I shook my head as the pain consumed me, the boys were standing helplessly has the medics called for a stretcher.
"It's gonna be okay bubs, I promise you"- Harry
"Yeah your the toughest person I know, playing against us idiots"- Chris
I gently smiled at Chris as Harry wiped my tears. Lux went to Ethan, comforting him as he couldn't stand to see his baby sister in pain.
"Right yn, Harry and Chris are going to help us roll you onto your side then we'll line up the scoop behind you then roll you back"- Medic
"Yep, shit!"- yn
"Just deep breaths for us yn. Harry keep holding her arm like that as we roll her. Chris can you turn her legs when we count?"- Medic
"Yep okay"- Chris
"Right... 1,2,3. Roll!"- Medic
"Ah! Fuck!"- yn
"Right and back down"- Medic
"Yn were going to take you up to hospital now you'll probably need surgery again"- Medic
Harry knows how much I hate having surgery, coming round from anaesthetic and he hates how much pain I'm in when recovering.
"Im coming with you"- Harry
"Babe, finish the match"- yn
"No, if you don't get to lift the trophy, I dont want to either"- Harry
"Okay let's go"- Medic
"Good luck yn!"- Chris
With the boys (Authors POV)
"That was intense"- JJ
"She's a fighter"- Josh
"Yeah, she'll pull through"- Tobi
"Ethan, you alright mate?"- Manni
"It's just, she has a thing as to why she hates surgery"- Ethan
"Can you tell us?"- Simon
"When she had heart surgery when she was 14, she cardiac arrested and I know she doesn't want to go back"- Ethan
"Shit, mate we didn’t know she had heart surgery, or cardiac arrest, sorry"- Lux
"I just worry for her"- Ethan
"Well Harry is with her he'll make sure she's okay"- Vikk
"PLAY ON!"- Referee


(Harry's POV)
I watched on YouTube the Sidemen team lift the trophy, part of me wanted to do it but I'd feel worse of I hadn't gone with yn in the ambulance. I was waiting in her ward when there was a knock at the door. It was Chris with Piper. She can walk now and run messily so she did run over to me. I lifted her onto my lap bouncing her up and down. Chris sat on a chair next to me.
"Any news?"- Chris
"The surgery is still going on as far as I know"- Harry
"How was the journey here?"- Chris
"Hard, I couldn't help her. She was in agony and I could only sit there"- Harry
"Well she's here now at least"- Chris
"Dada, mumma?"- Piper
"What am I meant to say to her without scaring her?"- Harry
"Piper, your mumma is being helped by doctors because she was in pain"- Chris
"Oh, I see mumma?"- Piper
"No not yet bubba, they are probably just finishing up"- Harry
"Why don't you sleep for a bit then your mumma will be back before you know it"- Chris
I felt Piper squirm around to get comfortable but I held her on my hip while I was sat on the chair and with in seconds she was asleep.
-2 hours later-
"Harry Lewis?"- Doctor
"Yep that's me. Chris can you hold Piper?"- Harry
"Of course"- Chris
I gave Piper to Chris who again held her on his hip keeping her asleep then I went outside with the Doctor.
"She's all finished, she's got metal plates and screws to keep her shoulder in place now, she'll be wheeled down now but it may take a while for her to come round, if she wakes up in any pain come and find us and we'll administer some medicine"- Doctor
"Thank you"- Harry
I walked back into the room and told Chris while holding Piper again. A few minutes later yn was moved onto the bed in the ward.
"Damn, her shoulder looks rough, gonna be a painful recovery"- Chris
"Yeah that's what I'm worried about"- Harry
"D-dada... mumma!"- Piper
Piper tried to get out of my arms but I didn't let her go.
"I want mumma"- Piper
"I know you do, but she's in a lot of pain and we'll wait until she wakes up first"- Harry
"I'll call Ethan and asks if he wants to come here then I'll go to Lux's to stay the night"- Chris
"Thanks mate"- Harry
"B-babe"- yn
"Oh Bubs thank God"- Harry
I moved my chair to her bedside and held her left hand.
"How are you?"- Harry
"In so much pain"- yn
"Yeah screws and plates"- Harry
"Mumma!!"- Piper
"Oh bubba"- yn
"Do you want her?"- Harry
"Yeah, put the bed rails up then put her down on this left side"- yn
"Okay bub"- Harry
I put the bed rails up and gently lifted Piper over the rail onto yn's bed. Piper almost immediately fell asleep again and Chris walked back in.
"Chrisss!"- yn
"There she is football rebel"- Chris
Chris gave her a fist bump and said Ethan's on his way so then he left to go to Lux's house.
-30 minutes later-
"Eth"- yn
"Hey y/n/n, how are you?"- Ethan
"Sore"- yn
"I bet, I'm so sorry you couldn't lift the trophy, both of you"- Ethan
"Well we both scored and that's fine for me"- yn
"Well I've got to get back to Faith and Olive, but I'll see you later"- Ethan
"Bye"- Harry
"Cya"- yn

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