Chris Sturniolo: Paralysed

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I'll never forget the day that changed my life forever. I was riding my motorbike, feeling the wind in my hair and the rush of adrenaline in my veins but as I approached the turn, I felt a loss of traction. I tried to correct it, but it was too late. The bike slid out from under me, all I could hear was the sound of screeching tires and the feeling of weightlessness as me and my bike crashed to the ground. I felt myself body drag against the hard, cold road, my senses blanked out by the rush of speed. 

The next thing I knew, I was lying completely still on the ground, my head spinning. I tried to move, but a excruciating pain shot through my lower body. I groaned, trying to sit up, but my lower body felt heavy and unresponsive . Panic set in as I realized something was very wrong.

I heard the sound of sirens in the distance, growing louder with each passing moment and I saw flashing lights in the distance. I tried to call out for help, but my voice was barely a whisper. Before I knew it, paramedics were surrounding me, their faces filled with concern as they took in the horrific scene in front of them.

"Hi sweetheart, I'm Kasey and this is Tessa can you tell me your name?"- Kasey

"Y-Yn"- yn

"Okay good, can you tell me what happened, it's okay if you can't remember"- Kasey

"M-my bike l-lost traction with t-the road"- yn

"Alright yn, you're doing great. What hurts right now?"- Kasey

"I-I can't feel b-below my waist"- yn

Both Kasey and Tessa shared a worrying look and I knew it wasn't looking good for me.

"I know it's all scary now yn, but we're gonna get you hooked up to an IV, check you're vitals and get you to the hospital okay? Is there anyone we can call so they can meet us at the hospital?"- Kasey

"Y-yeah, my brother J-Jake and m-my boyfriend Chris. M-my phone is in my l-left trouser pocket if it isn't d-destroyed"- yn

"Okay sweetie, I'll give them both a call, and Tessa will do your IV okay?"- Kasey

"Alright yn you'll feel a sharp prick then I'll give you some pain meds. Just stay still for me"- Tessa 

While Kasey quickly checked my vital signs, Tessa set up the IV. I felt a stinging sensation in my arm as she inserted an IV. As the pain meds started to kick in, the world around me began to blur, and I felt myself being lifted onto a stretcher.

"Right yn, Chris and Jake are gonna meet us there but I need you to stay awake for me"- Kasey

However sleeping felt like the best thing to do and I tried to fight off my drowsy eyelids but I couldn't and soon after, I slipped into unconsciousness.


The next thing I knew, I was in a hospital room and when I looked around, Chris and Jake we're sitting on the chairs next to my bed. Chris's face was full of worry and as I looked down his hand was holding mine. Jake's eyes were holding back tears as he kept looking at my heart monitor next to my bed. 

"Hey baby, you're awake!"- Chris

"Oh yn thank God, you scared the shit out of me!"- Jake

"D-Did they fix me?"- yn

"I-I don't know baby but you're gonna be okay"- Chris

They kept telling me that I was gonna be okay, but their words were hollow and empty.

A doctor came in soon after, her face was filled with concern and seriousness. She sat on a stool next to my bed and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Hi Yn, I'm Dr Reyes. I know you was unconscious when you first came in, but the nurses and I sent you for a few scans and tests and now, looking at your CT and MRI scans, it looks like you've suffered a severe spinal chord injury and at this point, it's unlikely that you'll walk again. I'm very sorry yn"- Dr Reyes

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