(Prologue )

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Disturbed from my sleep, I reached out to find my husband, only to discover an empty space beside me. Alone in the bed, I opened my eyes to a vacant room, the realization hitting me. Sitting there, naked, memories of last night flooded back, a bittersweet smile dancing on my lips. It was the night I gave myself to him, my husband, my first and only.

Wrapping a blanket around me, I limped to the bathroom, expecting to find solace in his presence, but he wasn't there. Disappointment washed over me as I realized my legs were sore, and I could barely stand.

Determined to connect with him, I brought lunch to his office, hoping for a moment of intimacy amidst his work. Knocking softly, I entered, only to be met with his frustrated gaze. His words cut through me like a knife, denying the love we shared.

"Why pretend to be my wife?" he spat.

"But I am your wife," I protested.

"In public, perhaps. But to me, you're just a bed warmer," he cruelly dismissed.

His words shattered my world, the love I felt now questioned, reduced to mere physical desire in his eyes. As if to underline his point, he called for his PA, who arrived promptly. What happened next crushed my soul.

With a swift motion, he captured her lips, their passionate embrace unfolding before me. The agony of betrayal tore through me as I watched my husband, my love, share himself with another, right in front of me. How could he do this?

I was his wife, his partner, and yet, I was left feeling empty, as his hands roamed where they shouldn't, leaving me broken and alone.

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