6 - Laser Tag

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A couple weeks later, Cody was sent to Kaz' house by Tecton to stay for a couple months because he would be attending a heroes conference to carry out a life threatening mission that he was chosen for.

Cody got back from work and saw Tectons bags packed. 

"Tecton? what's going on?" Cody asked in confusion.

"I'm going on a business trip for a while... You will be staying at Kaz' house, for the Five Months I am gone."

"Is this mission dangerous?"

"Who said it was a mission?" Tecton said trying to act dumb.

"Because I know you. Is it dangerous?" Cody asked again.

Tecton hesitated. "...Yes." He finally said softly.

"Why are you dropping this bomb on me right when you're leaving!?" Cody snapped. "A little warning would've been nice." 

"Look I'm sorry. I got called in this morning, I'm a replacement Hero; The League of Heroes needs me." Tecton said brushing some hair behind Cody's ear. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and smiled down at her.

"What Level of mission?" Cody asked as Tecton sighed. 


Cody realized she couldn't fight it. she can't stop him from going. He can't ignore a Level Five Mission especially if you asked to be a replacement if the superhero on the job can't make it. She sighed in defeat "I'll go pack..." She said gloomily before heading downstairs. 

Cody packed all of the stuff she needed. She had a backpack and two suitcases. She walked out of her room and walked down the stairs with her bags and her suitcase. She has a gloomy look on her face. One that was combined with fear and worry.

Tecton saw how slow and sad Cody was walking down the stairs dragging her feet and her bags with her. "Cody..." He said as she made her way to the door. She may never see Tecton again. He may not be her birth father but he was her daddy. He raised her.

Tecton walked her to Kaz' house. Kaz' mom opened the door.

"Hello Sir. May I help you?" His mom asked.

"Hey, I'm Cody's father, Nice to meet you." Tecton said holding out his hand which the woman gladly shook.

"I thought Cody's family vanished a long time ago..." Kaz' mom replied with furrowed eyebrows.

"I took her in after the accident. I basically raised her." Tecton smiled as Cody walked up with her bags.

"Is there anything you need?" The woman asked.

"Well, I don't know If Kaz told you, but he offered for Cody to stay with you for a couple months." Tecton smiled.

"No, Kaz didn't tell me. Why does she need to stay here?"

"Because Cody didn't want to stay with just anyone... Oliver is being take of by a family friend because his mom disappeared. She trusts Kaz." Tecton replied "I'm going on a business trip and I won't be back for a while, so I needed someone to look after Cody for me."

"Well, Since Cody is a longtime family friend, and Kaz offered without my permission. I guess I can't turn you down. Cody come on in." Kaz mom smiled.

"I'm Sarah," Kaz' mom smiled.

"I'm..." Tecton paused. "I'm Mike." He smiled shaking her hand.

"Well Mike, Cody will be well looked after." Sarah smiled.

Cody looked at Tecton. She shed a tear before walking up to the door

Cody stopped at the door. Standing staring at it for a long while before she turned her head slightly and spoke softly. "Do you have to go?"

The Elite Chronicles - Book 1: Defenders of Mighty MedWhere stories live. Discover now