February 16 - 2024

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Good fucking day

We woke up being very tired today, i have a lot on my plate and a lot of things to that need to get done and my head isn't up for it today. I have to finish my research on the chiropractor market both in Sweden and internationally as well as finish 2 lesson on Educate which is the platform I use to train and educate myself in becoming an advertising agency owner. I'm gonna quickly address that by the way, because I do think it needs more knowledge. I had no idea that this platform even existed until like a week ago and it has transformed me. And I'm not even kidding. I'm not the same person I was two weeks ago. And that is all thanks to Iman Gadzhi. Really. The knowledge and wisdom he possesses is extraordinary, especially for a 24 year old. And he created this program called Agency Navigator where he educates students to become agency owners and earn up to 6-7 figures. For you who also wants to go into advertising and marketing I am going to 100% recommended buying access to this platform because it is revolutionary. Not only do you get 50+ hours worth of lessons, you get 1:1 calls with a coach, they have live Q&As, they have a community with over 5K people who are all in advertising. You get so much more than just the program. I know it is a bit pricey and the only thing that held me back was the price, I think it was like $1499 for a lifetime access. I can't remember if they had like monthly plan, but it is definitely worth that price. And you have a 7 day refund period if you are unhappy, not that I think you will. It is definitely worth it.

Anyways, why am I so tired? Well, I'm doing something called Monk Mode. Some of you may have heard of it before and some of you may not. But almost everybody knows what 75 Days Hard is. It's this barbarous challenge where you workout like twice a day, eat like a horse, drink like a water buffalo and shit. Monk Mode, not the same thing but kind of the same concept.

You have three non negotiables: 30 min of exercise, 10 min meditation, no alcohol or weed.

And then you have up to three variables that you choose for yourself. I wouldn't recommend having three super hard variables maybe one that is a challenge, one that isn't as challenging and one you almost already are doing every day. So for me, my variables are: 1,5 L of water and 1-2 hours of work on Educate.

And you do these every single day in different periods of time to get yourself in the zone. To cut out the distractions. To be present. To focus. I'm doing my first period of monk mode which is 21 days. I have 14 days left, then I will let loose for a few days and then I'm back on until the summer. That's when I will do one of my hardest Monk Modes. I will do it from beginning of March to the end of May. And I will do the same protocol I'm doing now, why? Why don't I increase the volume of any variable? I'll tell you. You either increase the length of the mode or you increase the variables. Simple. Doing both and it easily gets too hard and you quit. Maybe after a few monk modes I can increase both, but for now, all I need is to get the discipline and get it done.

And I've only been at this for a week now and I mean it takes a lot of commitment for sure and that can be hard to navigate some days. I've been working out for a week straight and my body is feeling it that's for sure. And I guess that also has something to do with why I'm a little tired, because I've never committed like this before and actually followed through with it and I'm really proud of myself for committing this much. I'm taking it very seriously and I make sure to have finished all of the tasks every single day.

Anyways, so today it's time for a killer leg session at the gym and I'm really looking forward to it because I need to get some aggression and stress out honestly. Not only is monk mode quite hard and energy consuming, my brain hasn't turned off in a week, it's constantly thinking about either monk mode or advertising, it's so focused on those two things right now that nothing else gives me satisfaction. Nothing else consumes my brain. Watching a tv show or hanging out with friends, drinking, going out, none of it sounds appealing honestly. Because when I am actually with my friends all I can think about is that I could be doing something better and more valuable. I could be learning, building up my business.

It's a short chapter today because there is just a lot on my plate that needs to get done and I won't get closer to completing them by getting distracted. So now I will dive into learning about pricing, sounds like fun right?

Bye bye

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