Ch.1 First day at kamiyama

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(the tenma siblings are cousins with the aoyagi's)

Toya pov august 22

Wow, first day of school I don't know but I am excited, meeting other people is just nice.I sound like a nerd.

From downstairs I heard my mom say
"TOYAAAAAAA get your ass down here and eat! I made cookies~" she really changed her mood in a span of a second really... I went downstairs having a slight smile, which turned into a frown once I saw my dad just sitting at the table.



It's getting awkward here.

"G-good morning father... A-and mother" I stuttered because I AM SCARED OF MY FUCKING FATHER.

"Your voice.. *disgusted noises* speak up louder next time." My father loathes me obviously. I quietly sat down eating the cereal at the table. "Son I packed your lunch~ go change after you eat, k?" My mother's nice unlike him.

I changed, packed my bag. I left the house waving goodbye to my parents slowly. I'm scared to go to school now. AH FUCK ITS FUCKING 6:40 SCHOOL STARTS IN 7:00. Our house is quite far from the school y'know... I arrived like at 6:59 wow... No one's at the elevator no one is there everyone is at their classroom of course. I quickly ran not even knowing where I am.

I tripped and bumped into someone. The book edges are sharp so uhhh the person I hit had small scratches 'cause of my books but not only cause of that but more BIG ones, they look painful... "Ah! I'm so sorry" I looked up seeing a ginger in front of me. " No worries dude. I've been through worse" he said, reassuring me at least. "I can see that... Ah we're both late!" I didn't even know where my class is. "I'm always late anyway." What.

"Ye I bet my whole soul ur new eh?" I nodded "maybe your class is the same as mine, what even is yours anyway?" I actually have no idea. I checked "um 1-B?" I assume 1 means first year highschool. "Oh mines 1-C so ur class is... Right beside mine here I will take you there."

He's pret- pretty nice, hah you really thought? Nah, I just met him. "So here's your class." He just snapped me back to reality. My advisor is.. Luka-San I guess? "Go in your class now." Akito's words really jumpscared me, going in the classroom quickly, thinking it was a random boy teacher, his deep voice really is scary...

"Good morning everyone! Most of you are from kamiyama originally but some of you aren't." Luka said, sounding like an anime fan or something. "Toya... Your late! I mean your new but next time be early, k?"

~~Timeskip lol~~

When it came my turn to introduce myself I said my name and a lot of stuff about me, Luka normally asks what was our names before going onto another person when she asked "Who is Toya?" While I went back to my seat. Then a random girl with long, pink hair said "WHO IS TOTA?" Well she isn't paying attention."Airi Momoi next time LISTEN ok?" A girl with short blue hair, called out. "Ussewa..." Airi muttered under her breath. "Oh Airi can you say that louder? I don't think the class heard you clearly." Luka San spoke up, hearing what Momoi said. "Back to TOYA, Momoi.."

Wow. She cursed to the teacher."AIRI MOMOI DETENTION, PRINCIPAL OFFICE NOW!" First day of school Is going bad sheesh. Anyway Airi just stomped her way out of the classroom. "Back to Toya, who is Toya?" Luka San resumed at the old topic. A girl with long blue hair with star clips on it, raised her hand. "Toya is the split colored hair of two different shades of blue." She said "Ah! Very good, An." An.

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