Card Counter

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Yuya considered himself to be a very lucky man. He had a well-paying job that he loved, a very nice home, and four wonderful boyfriends. He felt like the luckiest man in the world!

His four boyfriends Zarc, Yuto, Yuri, and Yugo all worked at the same job as Yuya. Well, technically Zarc was actually the owner, not a coworker. Zarc owned a massive, very successful resort and casino called the Lucky Dragon, and Yuto, Yuri, Yugo, and Yuya all worked as dealers in the casino. Most of the time Yuya worked at one of the blackjack tables.

Which was where he was working right now. It was currently 3:52AM on a Saturday, and his table had two people who came to the casino regularly. There was also a third player at the table, one that Yuya was keeping an eye on. The tomato-haired dealer suspected that this player was counting cards. He had already alerted Yuri, who was working as the pit boss tonight.

At the moment, the players' cards were a two and an ace, a king and a four, and a seven and a nine. Yuya's face-up card was a jack, and he had a seven face-down. The suspicious player was the one with the two and ace.

Yuya watched the suspicious player carefully. So far she seemed to have been showing plenty of signs of card counting. She seemed to be paying a little too much attention to the cards being dealt, and she wasn't interacting with anyone either. And she kept betting high when the lower value cards were dealt, and betting low when the higher value cards were dealt. These were all signs of a card counter.

Suddenly, Yuri walked up to the table, followed closely by security. He frowned at the suspicious player. "You need to leave. Now."

It seemed that there was enough to prove that the suspicious player was in fact counting cards. Unfortunately, she didn't seem ready to leave without a fight. "Why?"

"Because you're counting cards," Yuri said. The player immediately got defensive. "So what if I'm counting cards? It's not like it's illegal!"

"Lady what the hell?!" one of the other players said angrily. "You've been cheating?!"

"Counting cards may not be illegal in the eyes of the law, but it's still against the rules in this casino, and it will get you banned," Yuri said, putting his hands on his hips. "If you don't leave now, security will be forced to physically remove you from the premises."

"Oh, it's gonna be like that, is it?" the woman snarled, getting into a boxer's stance. "I'll break your face!"

Yuri snapped his fingers, and security stepped forward and grabbed the woman by the arms. She immediately began trying to get free, screaming obscenities and thrashing around. Security had to drag the woman out of the casino by force.

Yuri watched them go, shaking his head. Then he checked his watch. It was now 4AM. "Mm, shift's over! Where is... ah there they are!"

The graveyard shift replacements for Yuya and Yuri were walking towards Yuya's table. Yuri took some time to explain the situation with the card counter to the new pit boss, as Yuya cleared his hands so that his replacement could take over. He started heading off towards the hotel part of the resort.

Because Yuya, Yuri, Yuto, Yugo, and Zarc were all in a relationship together, there were plenty of perks. One of those perks being their home. The five of them actually lived in the resort, in the most luxurious suite the hotel had to offer. It was an eight-bedroom, ten-bathroom penthouse with a private rooftop pool, two living rooms, two dining rooms, a proper kitchen, a sitting room, a game room, a karaoke room, an indoor garden, and several outdoor terraces. It had the most incredible, breathtaking views especially since the resort was the tallest building in the city. Yuya just loved living there.

Yuri caught up to Yuya as the tomato was passing the casino bar. Yuya always took the long way around the casino on the way in or out, to avoid the Smoking Area. He was very sensitive to the smoke.

"So that happened," Yuri said, wrapping an arm around Yuya's waist and pulling him close. Yuya nodded. "Yep, it sure did!"

"Another day, another card counter," Yuri sighed. "You'd think the world would run out of them!"

"At least it wasn't a drunk again," Yuya shook his head. "Remember that guy from Tuesday? You know, the one that was drunk and trying to snatch the other players' chips."

"Oh, I remember him," Yuri made a face. "I think he tried to come back in the next day. Good thing Zarc didn't let him, huh?" Yuya nodded in agreement as they got on the elevator and started heading up.

As they arrived home, the two of them could hear Yugo in the kitchen, "Oh come on! You can't be serious! How the heck did I manage to burn the toast three times in a row?!"

"Need help?" Yuto asked him. Yugo pouted and nodded. Yuto chuckled and helped him adjust the toaster settings so that his toast wouldn't burn again.

Yuya sighed happily, watching them do their cooking. Yugo didn't normally cook, but Yuto was an excellent chef and often cooked meals for his boyfriends. He loved to make them all of their favorite foods every chance he got.

As Yugo put some new bread into the toaster, Zarc came into the kitchen. He must have just woken up, because he was wearing a pair of pajama pants and nothing else, and his hair was a mess. He yawned sleepily as he walked over to the teapot that Yuto had prepared not too long ago, and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Morning everyone!" Yuya called out, waving to his boyfriends. Zarc, Yuto, and Yugo smiled and waved back, "Morning!"

"Yuya got another card counter," Yuri said, walking toward the kitchen counters where Yuto had set out some freshly cooked breakfast. "She tried to fight me."

"She didn't touch you, did she?" Zarc asked, suddenly alert. Yuri shook his head, "No, Security grabbed her before she had the chance, but you should have seen her. She looked like she was in a boxing ring!"

"Well, I'm glad she didn't hurt you, either of you," Zarc said. "I'll make sure the front knows not to let her in again. We don't want her to try anything."

Yuya smiled and lay his head on Yuri's shoulder, gazing lovingly at his boyfriends. They were all so wonderful! He really was the luckiest man in the world!

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