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Yugo glared furiously at the cookbook he was reading. He wanted to surprise his boyfriends with a lovely home cooked meal, but he was a terrible cook. Yuto was the best cook out of the five, but Yugo didn't want to ask him for help. It wouldn't be a surprise if he did!

Surely the blunana could manage a simple meal, right? Maybe something like lasagna? Lasagna was simple, and they had all the necessary ingredients. It was yummy too! Yugo considered for a minute, before nodding. Lasagna would be perfect!

Yugo read the recipe in the cookbook five times before he got started making the lasagna. He wanted to make sure the dish was absolutely perfect. No burning allowed!

He even decided to pop into the indoor vegetable garden to grab some fresh tomatoes and basil for the lasagna. Like the rooftop terrace garden, the indoor vegetable garden was lovingly raised by Yuri. But unlike the rooftop garden, the indoor garden was filled with fruits, veggies, herbs, and other plants that were meant for eating instead of simply looking nice.

Yugo made sure Yuri wasn't in the vegetable garden before sneaking inside to grab the necessary ingredients for the lasagna. He didn't want to take any chances that the cabbage-head might see him and work out what he was doing. Yuri was very smart like that, and it really wouldn't have surprised Yugo if Yuri managed to figure out that he was making lasagna if he saw what ingredients the blunana was grabbing. Fortunately, Yugo was able to grab the ingredients and return to the kitchen without getting caught by the cabbage-head. Now, to make the lasagna!

As Yugo boiled the pasta, he thought about his boyfriends. Yuri was currently tending to his rooftop terrace garden like he had been doing for most of his day off. Yuya and Yuto were still working their shifts in the casino. And Zarc was in his office working on paperwork. A good, hot lasagna would be the perfect way to end the day and spend some time together!

As Yugo was assembling the lasagna in the pan, he thought he heard something. The blunana paused, listening carefully. Oh snap! It was Yuri! The blunana could hear the cabbage walking around upstairs. Clearly he had finished with his gardening for the day. Yugo held his breath, praying that his boyfriend didn't come down to the kitchen. If he did, the lasagna surprise would be ruined!

Fortunately the sound of Yuri's footsteps indicated that he was walking to his bedroom. Judging by the movement of his steps, he seemed to be walking to his bookcase, then to the sofa in his room. Then the footsteps stopped. He must have sat down to read. Oh thank Ra! When Yuri was reading, he got lost in his books and usually didn't notice the world around him. Yugo felt pretty confident that the cabbage wouldn't notice the smell of the lasagna cooking until it came out of the oven. And with that happy thought, Yugo slipped the dish into said oven.

"Goodnight, lasagna!" he said, closing the oven door with a smile. He set three timers, one on the oven, one on the microwave, and one on his phone. Just in case. Then he stepped back and let the pasta dish bake, playing a game of craps on a casino game app on his phone while he waited. It wasn't a real online casino since it had no actual money involved, but it was a fun way to relax after work. All of his boyfriends also had the same app on their phones.

Fifty minutes later, the lasagna was ready to come out of the oven. And just in time too! As Yugo was pulling it out, Yuto, Yuya, and Zarc arrived home. Yuya sniffed the air. "Mmm! Something smells good!"

"Welcome home!" Yugo chirped, setting the lasagna pan on a potholder on the counter. "I made lasagna!"

Yuto's eyes widened and he walked over to the pan. When he saw the contents, he smiled. "It looks delicious! Great job, Yugo!"

Yugo beamed at the praise. Then Yuri's voice came from the top of the stairs, "What's that smell? It's making me hungry!"

"Yugo made lasagna!" Yuya said happily. Yuri hurried downstairs and looked at the lasagna hungrily. Zarc got some plates and forks out and handed everyone their dishes.

As the five boyfriends dug into the lasagna, Yugo smiled proudly. It wasn't often that his dishes were cooked successfully. But when they were, his boyfriends all loved them!

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