It was Yuya's turn to be the pit boss, and he was walking around the pit keeping an eye on the tables. It was a rare day where Yuto, Yuri, and Yugo were all working during the same shift as Yuya, and the tomato was very happy to be around them whilst working.

Yuya had been working for about two hours when he noticed Yuto signaling for his attention. The casino had a silent code for the dealers to signal to the pit bosses when they needed their attention without the players knowing. It was usually used when a dealer needed the pit boss to keep an eye on a suspicious player. Such as the signal Yuto was sending Yuya at the moment.

Yuya looked at the player that Yuto was signing for him to keep an eye on. It was an older woman, and she seemed somewhat familiar to Yuya. He didn't recognize her face, but the tomato-head could've sworn he'd heard her voice before, and recently.

So Yuya started keeping an eye on the woman. She kept placing her bets only on the EVEN spot on the table, which was a decent strategy. But Yuya noticed something about her face. Whenever she won, the woman threw her hands in the air and cheered, but her mouth didn't move much. It was almost as if she were wearing a mask. But if she was wearing a mask, it was VERY realistic.

Then, as if the universe was listening to what Yuya was thinking, the woman won again. This time when she threw her hands in the air, she also threw her head back. To everyone's shock, her face seemed to fly off, revealing that she was indeed wearing a hyper realistic mask.

"Oh, for Slifer's sake, you have GOT to be kidding me!" Yuya said in annoyance, walking over to the roulette table. The woman frantically covered her face with her hands, but not before Yuya and Yuto saw it. It was Zarc's ex, Sara. Yuya waved over Security, "Lady, you've been BANNED! This is the second time you've come in since being banned!"

"Shut up!" Sara shrieked. "You can't ban me!"

"Zarc is the one that banned you!" Yuya remind her. "You know, the owner of the Lucky Dragon?"

Sara was about to argue, but Security grabbed her and she started trying to break free, screaming and attempting to bite them. They dragged her away, and Yuya rubbed his temples as he felt a headache starting. "That woman is a menace to society..."

"Yeah, no kidding!" one of the players at Yuto's table said, shaking his head in disbelief. "Seriously, what kind of lunatic tries to get around a ban with a mask? Just go find a different casino, ya psycho!"

"Mm..." Yuto agreed. "I think Zarc told Security that if she shows up again they're to detain her until police arrive."

"Well, let's just hope that the police are able to make sure she never shows up here again," Yuya sighed.

"I know right?" Yuto said. "I honestly don't know if she keeps coming here because she's got a gambling addiction or because she's obsessed with Zarc!'

"Eh, probably a combination of both!" Yuri said as he passed behind Yuto's table on his way to the break room. He and Yugo had both witnessed Sara's mask flying off and her being dragged off by Security. Everyone in the pit had witnessed the entire thing.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Yuya agreed. "Doesn't make it any less annoying though."

"Too true," sighed Yuto. "Too true."

"I hope the police lock her up!" Yugo said from his craps table. "I'm starting to get the feeling that she won't stop trying to find ways around the ban until she's arrested. How did she even manage to escape the police last time anyway?"

"I think she ran off before the police could actually arrive," Yuya replied. "What a lunatic..."

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