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Zarc sighed as he got into his car to return to the Lucky Dragon hours later. He'd just spent a good portion of the day at the police station pressing charges against Sara and giving his testimony. He'd made sure to get written statements from his boyfriends about everything Sara had done, and turned them over to the police.

At least the day's events had done some good. It was very unlikely that his lunatic ex would be able to continue harassing him ever again. In fact, the chances of her being able to come back to Japan again were very small.

As Zarc drove back to the resort, he called his boyfriends on the bluetooth. They answered immediately.

"Hey, Zarc! What's the news?" Yugo asked. Zarc smiled a little. "So I talked to the police and gave them the evidence and your written testimony, and there's great news! Well, for us at least. Not so great for Sara."

"Ooh, what's the great news?" Yuya asked eagerly.

"Sara is most likely going to be deported back to America, and banned from ever entering Japan again," Zarc said. "She's been deported in the past, and with the charges against her now, she's probably going to be permanently banned from Japan."

"Hurray!" Yuri cheered. "Screw her! She's a terrible person! Even worse than me!"

Yuto chuckled. "I mean, you're not as bad as you want people to think you are." Zarc heard the sound of his eggplant boyfriend kissing his cabbage boyfriend, and smiled.

"I am a terrible, despicable, rotten-to-the-core person," Yuri insisted sulkily. After a moment of silence, he suddenly squealed and laughed. "YUHUHUHTOHOHOHO! EEHEEHEE! NOHOHOHO!"

"You're a very wonderful person, Yuri!" Yuto said. "You just act like a jerk to people to protect yourself! Admit it! Admit that you're a wonderful person, and I'll stop tickling you!"


Zarc chuckled. "Well, I should be back in about an hour, so I'll see you four then!"

"Alright, see you in a bit, Zarc!" Yuya said cheerfully.

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