Chapter 10 - Defeat Me

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Uh... what?

I open my mouth with the intention of retorting, but no rational sound emerges from my lips, only shocked snorts and dismayed squeals. The rest of my body is petrified and I feel the blood swimming in my veins suddenly pool at my feet, leaving my brain empty of coherent or pudic thoughts. This has to be another one of his sick jokes, another one of his malicious and perverse tricks to make me lose my sanity, act dazed and senseless due to my inherent introversion, and thus gain his twisted perception of entertainment. Because there's no way in hell Elliot was propositioning me to make a scene with him, right? But still...


Still, a series of quite explicit shots, not suitable for minors, played behind my closed eyelids with persevering repetition and no pause or stop button. Elliot on top of me, under me, his hands caressing my most sensitive areas, his moans of unbridled pleasure massaging my eardrums, his smooth skin flushed and heated, his hair as dark as coal sticking to his forehead and temples from sweat. My dick twitches with interest inside my boxers and I take comfort in the fact that I'm wearing a baggy shirt to hide the bulge that must surely be tempting my sweatpants. My very thin sweatpants.

I narrow my eyes, peeping at Elliot through the small slit available between my eyelashes, examining his handsome countenance closely to see if he's trying not to laugh at his prank. An action that turns out to be futile, because the bastard maintains his facade of calm and seriousness, although... there's a hint of confusion in his green irises as if he doesn't quite understand my reaction. That, of course, disorients me too, because what other response was he expecting when presenting such an outlandish idea? A resounding, unquestioning yes? Or have I misunderstood him? Damn, I hate his poker face so much.

"Define 'let's,'" I demand with a slight tremor in my voice and frown as Elliot tilts his head to the side, confirming to me that he is, indeed, puzzled.

"Did choking on the juice give you amnesia or was it the disturbing appearance of my Kaws?" Elliot snorts, but realizing I don't intend to intervene until he answers me, he exhales with annoyance and continues. "You, take pictures and videos; click, brr, click," he pretends to be holding a camera, pressing the hypothetical trigger in rhythm with his absurd onomatopoeias*. "Me, wiggle banana and ejaculate; oh, ah, prush, plash, plush," he shakes his fist above his crotch, feigning masturbation.

He performed the whole show dancing like a chimpanzee, elbows bent, torso arched, and grunting the words gruffly, his immature performance of a caveman. And it would've been hilarious. Fuck, I should be guffawing right now until my stomach suffers from painful cramps and my bladder threatens to explode, but the amount of relief that tucks me in like a fluffy blanket is ten thousand times greater, melting the tension from my spine and soothing my rushing heart.

"Thank you, baby Jesus," I whisper, expelling the oxygen I held captive in my lungs from anxiety through my bulging cheeks and having to lean my back against the cool wall of the hallway to keep from collapsing because of my shivering knees.

"Ashton, what..." my obvious mini panic attack alarms Elliot, because he ceases his ridiculous play-acting immediately and approaches me with hesitant steps. Just as he raises his pale palms to touch me, assimilation hits him. "Oh," he gasps with surprise, then his sharp cheekbones are painted a beautiful scarlet color, before he stutters with a shyness that, despite breaking his mask of imperturbability and inaccessibility, I find charming. "I-I... uh... by 'let's' I didn't mean... I just..."

"It's fine, Elliot. It's okay," and that's when it hits me because I start laughing so hard and so intensely that I cry thick tears of relief, of happiness. It's not long before Elliot is joining my terrible rampage of high-pitched wheezing and humiliating snoring and that only makes it worse, because it adds fuel to the fire and neither of us seems able to stop, no matter how hard we try.

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