Chapter 17 - Elliot

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Returning to my apartment was an interesting... experience.

After leaving Ashton's beat-up car in the building's parking lot, we had to sneak through the halls with extreme caution, doing our best to avoid security guards, front desk staff, janitors, and other tenants. Why? Because we were putting on another show, only this time it was a nudist one. The brief but intense unsuitable-for-minors performance we did in the back seat caused a calamity of mass destruction to our attire. Shirts were in shreds, and pants zippers were completely ruined. Our underwear was the only thing in good condition, so we decided to discard the unwearable and push our luck.

Well, who am I kidding? It was my idea.

Of course, convincing Ashton was no easy task. I had to use every ace up my sleeve to persuade him because his genius plan was to wait until dark. After all, there would be fewer people wandering around. It was the smartest strategy, but the circumstances of the moment made me instantly change my mind. The air conditioning in his vehicle was broken, it was quite hot and I desperately needed to take a shower, because the combination of sticky sweat and his cum made me feel disgusting. I don't consider myself a spoiled diva, but no one would enjoy stinking like a wet dog, right? And if that wasn't enough, I was so hungry that my stomach was twisting with uncomfortable cramps.

I predicted Ashton's resounding rejection, although he didn't count on my infinite patience and unwavering persistence. And so, after half an hour of stubborn and unending insistence, he surrendered and reluctantly approved my proposal. The poor thing was terrified, moving with his back hunched and knees bent to pass as unnoticed as his enormous size allowed him, hiding behind me as if I were a cloak of invisibility. I, on the other hand, had to do the whole walk covering my mouth, because I found the whole situation so hilarious that I couldn't stop laughing. When we finally arrived at my apartment, we were exhausted and wheezing as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the world to inflate our lungs.

Ashton's relief was immediate; the tight tension in his muscles drained and he gave me an incredible kiss to celebrate the victory... that's why I didn't have the heart to tell him about the cameras and that I'll most likely be receiving a warning or a fine in the next few days. I prepared a quick lunch as soon as I could breathe normally and we ate at my kitchen island in cozy silence, exchanging complicit glances and gentle touches that warmed my insides and made me sigh like a silly teenager in love.

"Shower with me," I whispered in his ear when we finished washing and putting away the dishes, holding his wrist to guide him to my bedroom bathroom.

Once inside, I knelt in front of him to remove the last garment from his magnificent bear body slowly, taking advantage of my position to grope as I pleased. Ashton buried his fingers in my hair and gently pushed my head to rest my face on his belly, a strange sort of embrace that made me smile. There was no hidden intention, sex wasn't even on our minds; it was an abrupt, but delicate urge for contact, for connection. A mute sentimental communication, the caresses conveying what we couldn't, or wouldn't, manifest with our voices.

His erection slapped my cheek minutes later, though.

"No," he took a couple of steps back when I attempted to please him. He wasn't cruel or rude, so I didn't take offense or protest. He assisted me to my feet and mimicked me, undressing me with calculated, leisurely movements, rubbing his silky beard over my torso on the way up.

"Ashton..." Whether I moaned or begged, I couldn't tell for sure, my senses fully focused on his scent, on his intoxicating presence. On the pure essence of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and merged my mouth with his, sucking greedily on his tongue when he offered it to me.

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