Chapter 7 - Discretion, Support and Public affection are the key

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Adrien and Marinette found themselves navigating the delicate balance of maintaining a façade while keeping their true feelings and identities concealed. As they interacted throughout the day, they exchanged subtle glances and practiced cautious behavior to avoid raising suspicion about the authenticity of their relationship.

In a quiet moment, as they sat together, Marinette leaned in and whispered, "We have to be careful, Adrien. We can't let anyone see through our act."

Adrien nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "I know, Marinette. It's important that we keep up appearances, at least until this whole thing blows over."

Throughout the day, they engaged in careful conversations, always mindful of the need to project an image of a loving couple in public. They exchanged light, affectionate touches and shared occasional looks of understanding, all while being mindful not to reveal any genuine romantic feelings they might have for each other.

As they faced various social situations, they maintained a careful balance of closeness and professionalism, all the while keeping their true emotions hidden. Each interaction was carefully choreographed to convey the appearance of a couple in a relationship, while still preserving their individual secrets.

Despite the complexities and challenges, Adrien and Marinette managed to navigate the day without giving away their true feelings, all the while wrestling with the inner turmoil of maintaining a deceptive front for the sake of their shared secret.

(ಥ _ ಥ)Plus tard dans la journée(ಥ _ ಥ)

Adrien and Marinette found themselves in yet another challenging situation, as Lila once again caused a scene about her supposed relationship with Adrien. As Lila accused Marinette of stealing Adrien from her, the tension in the room was palpable.

Adrien, feeling a surge of protectiveness towards Marinette, stepped forward and firmly declared, "Marinette didn't steal me from anyone. I choose to be with her." His words held a sense of conviction, and Marinette couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude towards him.

Lila scoffed and retorted, "Oh, please! You two can't even kiss, so clearly your relationship must be fake!"

Marinette, her determination shining through, took Adrien's hand and looked into his eyes. "That's where you're wrong, Lila," she said with a confident smile. And before Lila could react, Adrien leaned in and pressed a gentle yet meaningful kiss on Marinette's lips, effectively silencing Lila's doubts.

The room fell into a stunned silence, and as Adrien and Marinette pulled away, they shared a knowing look that spoke volumes. Lila's expression turned from smugness to disbelief, and she quickly left the scene, her false claims shattered.

Adrien and Marinette stood together, their unspoken feelings finally breaking free from the constraints of secrecy. As they faced the aftermath of their bold move, they knew that their bond was stronger than any deception, and they were ready to navigate the challenges ahead, together.


Plus tard dans la journée - Later that day

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