Chapter 2

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WASSUP? how are yall? :D


I slump my shoulders, making my tall body seem a little bit shorter, weaving through the crowd until I end up at the bar's counter.

"Pleasure to see you again'' The bartender, John, used a white cloth to wipe away absolutely nothing from a clear shot glass, looking cool doing it as well.

"Yeah it's been a while John." I hover at the menu just for it to be taken away from me, and in my hand he slides a starters menu. I look up at him to find him smiling at me cheekily but seriously, explaining to me why he did that.

"You look like you had a rough couple of days. Keep it light. I don't wanna get charged for giving a 17 year old alcohol, even if they're responsible." he tells me while shaking his head, probably wondering why he even gives me drinks.

I used to work for him,too, and made good money. bar fights, however, happened more often than not. and I normally stopped them. The fights didn't show up here anymore, matter of fact, people stopped coming because there was less rowdiness thanks to me being here. So, I resigned from work. John was nice enough to not want me fired, it would look bad on my resume even though I was just doing my job too well.

I don't know whether to be proud or not.

I smile at John. "yeah. I need something. Can you get me a beer?" John nods at me as he gets pulled in by another customer. He waves at me that he understood, and gets to their order. I sit there for a good while, dodging peoples advances.

A While after getting semi-drunk off small shots (thank god he gave me little doses) he talks to me about my home life, courtesy of being a friend and a bartender who actually listens to hammered people.

" It makes me angry, it stinks. She all of a sudden comes home with a letter from her ex-husband that asks me to be at his second wedding," I murmured loudly. enough for John to hear. He refilled my shot glass only to the point where it covered the bottom and shook his head. "Family is like that."

"Not if he never talked to me in 7 years." I snorted coldly. I twirl around the shot glass while fishing out my phone to call michael.

"Well, think of it this way. Your mother wants you to go, Why not do it?" He took my glass away from me ignoring my expression of dislike.

"Yeah." I say. clumsily fishing out my phone and started texting Michael to pick me up. I squint my eyes to see 57 missed texts and 23 missed calls all from the same number. I lifted my head up slightly and read the caller ID, "Mom.."

Turning away from my phone that now felt like malting lava, Starting up again in anger and hopelessness, I mustered, "Why don't I just show up to a wedding when I haven't seen my dad for ages." my drink glass he was cleaning with his hands halted.

"Hey, hey, Kid," John dropped what little task he was doing and hoisted my big body upwards with effort. I didn't even know I was about to pass out until I felt dizzy from being put right back in the center of gravity.

My stomach churned and my feelings bursted out with it. "One more shot! ...please." I motion to him, gesturing the number one, i hold up three fingers in the air with my face planted downwards on the counter. resting on my arm. John sighs and shakes his head, giving me his final advice.

"Your mom wants you to go. Why not just go to have fun, treat it like a vacay," he slapped my shoulder and went into the back. I grumbled and mumbled gibberish. After dropping my phone a few times I finally opened my messages and texted Michael.

Sweet FaithDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora