Chapter 5

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One hour later and I felt cramped. The seats were too close for a certain someone who wasn't supposed to even be in my row in the first place. The attendants moved him here for causing a scene in the back upon boarding the plane with someone by the name of "Ren"

Smart choice to move the complainer to me. I look around the cramped area, looking for something to do besides here him wallow. The attendants went back and forth in the plane doing minor tasks. Asking people to put their seat belts on and put away their belongings which I already did. I'm not dying today.

The man had quit complaining; but the humming ensued. He kept on humming this weird sounding song, totally, unbearable. I got the window seat, woooooooooooooo.

They had to keep more of an eye on him, so I got this seat. I uncomfortably stick beside this man and not having a single thing to do.

"Hello sir, would you like some refreshments," the attendant who went to the last row appeared before me and asked.

"We have sprite, water, orange and apple juice, and sparkling water," she looked at me patiently.

"um, hi, what I'd like is-" I say.


"Hello ladies and gentlemen this is the captain speaking...we seem to have some turbulence up ahead, if you could stay seated for us it would make the trip easier if nobody bumped heads! the attendants get back to the back. thank you, you can continue on this starry airline trip." bloop.

"Um, you know what? I'm fine." I said sheepishly. She apologized and said she'd get back to me as soon as the coast was clear. I had never been on a plane before, The experience was queasy and long. But good. I had time to watch plenty of videos beforehand. Safety always comes first.

Tightening my seat belt and sitting back, opening the manual as i was bored. No phones; on airplane mode and no games to bring since I left the house quickly.


The plane started to rumble unnaturally, the attendants are now strapped up in parachutes. what looked like the head attendant made
An announcement;

"Dear passengers, the plane is going to crash into the ocean, please, don't panic, the head attendant will inform you of any changes. Our procedure is to get you all on lifeboats, and to head to the nearest land. Over."

The whole plane erupted in shouts and bangs and curses, people stood up tripping over people and pushing elderly- headed for the captains area.

"WAAAAAH" a baby cried adding more stress and heart breaks to the situation,

"Okay, okay. I want you to be good for mommy," a mother was shaking in her seat while clutching her baby, on the other hand she was dialing a number. Soon she was on a call with a man.

The little girl yelled at her mother's sorrowful expression, the man was asking what was wrong and saying he was calling the police but they wouldn't answer. The phone vibrates with the plane's movement.

"Mary-" the phone beeped and disconnected, almost as if someone was stopping calls from going through.

What the hell is happening. I looked up at the airbags that popped out from their cases creating even more surprise and chaos- i swear it was like these people were on drugs!

My own heart was pounding against my chest as fear finally crept into my uncertain heart.

"Okay. think."

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